
Alclofénac Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction and all others data.

Alclofénac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It was withdrawn from the market in the United Kingdom in 1979.

Trade Name Alclofénac
Generic Alclofenac
Alclofenac Other Names Alclofénac, Alclofenac, Alclofenaco, Alclofenacum, Alclophenac
Formula C11H11ClO3
Weight Average: 226.66
Monoisotopic: 226.0396719
Protein binding

The binding to plasma proteins is 90-99%.

Groups Approved, Withdrawn
Therapeutic Class
Available Country
Last Updated: September 19, 2023 at 7:00 am


Alclofénac is indicated in rheumatology, in particular for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and, as an analgesic, in painful arthritic pathologies.

How Alclofénac works

Alclofénac is an inhibitor of prostaglandin H2 synthase. The inhibition of the enzyme occurs through the reversible block of cyclooxygenase enzyme. Therefore, it prevents the production of inflammatory mediators (and pain) as prostacyclins and prostaglandins. Aclofenac has the ability to inhibit the biosynthesis of prostaglandins which may be an important factor in the action of these drugs, but in addition, the effect of these agents in displacing endogenous anti-inflammatory substances from plasma protein binding sites is thought to be an equally important effect in their mechanism of action


The lethal dose orally: 1100 (mice), 1050 (rats) mg / kg ;
under the skin: 600 (mice), 630 (rats) mg / kg intraperitoneally: 550 (mice), 530 (rats) mg / kg

Volume of Distribution

The volume of distribution is 0.1 L / kg

Elimination Route

The absorption of alclofenac from the gastrointestinal tract is irregular. After oral or rectal administration maximum plasma concentrations are reached within 1-4 hours.

Half Life

The plasma half-life varies between 1.5 and 5.5 hours.


For oral dose of 500mg: Renal clearance constant (av) 35ml/min Overall clearance constant (av) 37-69ml/min

Elimination Route

Alclofénac is excreted in the urine mainly as glucuronide and as unchanged active substance.

Innovators Monograph

You find simplified version here Alclofénac

*** Taking medicines without doctor's advice can cause long-term problems.