Pelvic ultrasound - abdominal

Pelvic Ultrasound - Abdominal

A pelvic ultrasound – abdominal uses sound waves to create an image of the abdomen. This type of ultrasound is typically used to examine the bladder, reproductive organs, and other organs such as the liver, spleen, and pancreas. It can help diagnose a variety of conditions and diseases, or to assess the overall health and functioning of the organs.


Before a pelvic ultrasound – abdominal, patients may need to fast for several hours (or until instructed by the doctor). Medications may need to be discontinued temporarily. Patients should tell their doctor about any current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, or any other drugs they are taking. They should also alert their doctor to any allergies or recent illnesses. Pregnant women should inform their doctor if they think they may be pregnant.


Once preparations are complete, the patient will need to lie down on an examination table covered with a sheet or blanket. A medical professional will then place a gel on the skin of the abdomen. This gel will help ensure the clear transmission of the sound waves. An instrument known as a transducer will be moved across the abdomen, emitting high-frequency sound waves to create an image of the abdomen. This image will be visible on a monitor and may be printed or recorded.


There are two main type of pelvic ultrasounds. These include abdominal and transvaginal. An abdominal ultrasound is an imaging procedure that is used primarily to visualize or examine the organs contained within the abdominal cavity, such as the liver, the pancreas, and the kidneys. A transvaginal ultrasound is an examination that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of the pelvic organs. During a transvaginal ultrasound, an ultrasound transducer is inserted into the patient's vagina and sound waves are used to create images of the reproductive organs.


Pelvic ultrasounds – abdominal are a generally safe procedure. There is no direct contact with radiation, and the sound waves emitted are painless. However, there are some risks associated with the procedure such as stress and discomfort caused by the procedure itself.

Why It Is Performed

  • To check for cysts or tumors in the pelvis.
  • To diagnose pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • To diagnose infertility.
  • To identify blockages in the reproductive organs.
  • To diagnose ectopic pregnancy.
  • To assess the overall health of the pelvic organs and reproductive system.

When It Is Needed

Pelvic ultrasound – abdominal may be recommended if a patient is experiencing pain or unusual symptoms in the pelvic area. A doctor may also order this test to check for infections, tumors, or other abnormalities. Women who are pregnant may also undergo this test to check the health of their unborn baby.