Stool Gram stain

Stool Gram Stain

The Stool Gram Stain is an important laboratory procedure that is used to identify and differentiate bacteria that may exist in feces. It is commonly used to identify the underlying causes of gastrointestinal problems or infections.

Preparation for Stool Gram Stain

  • Freshly voided stool specimen
  • Gram stain kits (contains sample collection supplies, gram stain reagents, slides, oil immersion lens, and gram stain control)
  • Laboratory microscope

Procedure for Stool Gram Stain

  • A sample of fresh stool is collected in a specimen cup provided in the gram stain kit.
  • A sample of the specimen is placed on a microscope slide.
  • The specimen is then fixed with the heat fixer.
  • The slide is covered with a thin layer of the crystal violet solution.
  • Gram iodine is used to decolorize the specimen.
  • The slide is then rinsed off with the gentian violet.
  • A drop of oil immersion lens is placed on the slide.
  • The slide is examined under the microscope.
  • A Gram stain control slide is put on the microscope to compare with the sample.

Types of Stool Gram Stains

There are three primary types of Gram stains: positive, negative, and mixed. The positive stain results when the bacteria contains large amounts of peptidoglycan, which is a polysaccharide with peptides. This type of bacteria will stain dark blue or purple.

Negative Gram stains occur when the bacteria have a thinner peptidoglycan layer. This type of bacteria will stain pink or red. Mixed Gram stains occur when there are both positive and negative bacteria present.

Risks of Stool Gram Stain

The Stool Gram Stain is considered a safe procedure with minimal risks. There are no known serious risks or side effects associated with it.

Why the Stool Gram Stain is Performed

The stool Gram stain is performed to identify the types of bacteria present in the stool. It helps identify organisms that can cause gastrointestinal illness or infection. It is also used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments for certain infections.

When the Stool Gram Stain is Performed

The Stool Gram Stain is typically performed when a doctor suspects a patient may have an infection. It is also performed when a doctor wants to confirm the presence of a specific infection-causing organism. It is usually used to evaluate the efficacy of treatments for specific infections.