Calbodin D3

Calbodin D3 Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction and all others data.

Alfacalcidol is a precursor of the active calcitriol. It does not require renal hydroxylation but requires 25-hydroxylation in the liver for conversion to calcitriol.

Alfacalcidol works to increase serum levels of calcium by stimulating intestinal calcium absorption, reabsorption of calcium from bone, and possibly the renal reabsorption of calcium. It also modestly promotes intestinal phosphorus absorption. In patients with renal failure, alfacalcidol increased intestinal calcium and phosphorus absorption in a dose-related manner. This increase in calcium and phosphorus levels occurs within three days following drug administration: this effect was reversed within three days of drug discontinuation. In patients with chronic renal failure, serum calcium levels were elevated while parathyroid hormone and alkaline phosphatase levels returned to normal levels within five days following alfacalcidol administration. Since alfacalcidol suppresses parathyroid hormone, a reduction in parathyroid hormone levels is achieved more rapidly in patients on intermittent intravenous therapy, with significant reductions occurring within three months of therapy. In patients receiving daily oral therapy of alfacalcidol, the time it takes alfacalcidol to normalize plasma calcium levels may be up to several months, possibly reflecting calcium being utilized for bone mineralization. In patients with nutritional osteomalacia, alfacalcidol increased calcium absorption with six hours of oral administration and the effects peaked at 24 hours.

Calcium citrate is a salt typically used as a source of calcium in a variety of over the counter supplements.

Increases plasma calcium levels leading to a decrease in calcium flux and increase in calcium deposition into bone

Iodine is commonly used as an antiseptic for minor cuts and abrasions, preventing infections that may result from contaminated wounds. Additionally, iodine has been studied in the treatment of fibrocystic disease and breast cancer.

Magnesium is classified as an alkaline earth metal and has 2 hydration shells. The element can be found in abundance in the hydrosphere and in mineral salts such as dolomite and magnesium carbonate.

Common dietary sources of magnesium include nuts (cashews, peanuts, almonds), beans, bananas, apples, carrots, broccoli, and leafy greens. Magnesium is an important enzyme cofactor and is essential to several metabolic processes. Further, the mineral helps regulate blood pressure and is necessary for RNA, DNA and protein synthesis among several other functions.

Despite the importance of magnesium and its availability via several food sources, an estimated 56 to 68% of adults who live in developed, western countries do not meet the recommended daily intake (RDI) of magnesium. Several factors and common behaviours reduce the availability of magnesium in the diet such as food processing and cooking vegetables (which are normally a rich source of magnesium).

A metallic element of atomic number 30 and atomic weight 65.38. It is a necessary trace element in the diet, forming an essential part of many enzymes, and playing an important role in protein synthesis and in cell division. Zinc deficiency is associated with anemia, short stature, hypogonadism, impaired wound healing, and geophagia. It is identified by the symbol Zn .

A newer study suggests implies that an imbalance of zinc is associated with the neuronal damage associated with traumatic brain injury, stroke, and seizures .

Understanding the mechanisms that control brain zinc homeostasis is, therefore, imperative to the development of preventive and treatment regimens for these and other neurological disorders .

Trade Name Calbodin D3
Generic Zinc + Vitamin K2-7 + Calcium Citrate + Iodine + Alfacalcidol + Magnesium
Weight 12mg
Type Tablet
Therapeutic Class
Manufacturer S G Biosciences
Available Country India
Last Updated: September 19, 2023 at 7:00 am
Calbodin D3
Calbodin D3


Alfacalcidol is used for:

  • It is used to increase the amount of vitamin D in your body. This often increases calcium levels as well which can help in treatment of certain illnesses.
  • In general this drug is used to treat diseases where the amount of calcium and phosphate (which is controlled by the level of vitamin D) in your body needs changing.
  • Benefits of being on this drug can include control of the levels of calcium and phosphate in your body.
  • Treat and prevent bone conditions that are caused by kidney failure (osteodystrophy)
  • Treat illnesses and abnormalities affecting the parathyroid glands which make a substance called the parathyroid hormone.
  • Correct low levels of calcium in the blood of newborn babies (hypocalcaemia)
  • Treat the softening and deformity of the bones due to lack of calcium (rickets or osteomalacia)

Calcium citrate is an ingredient found in a variety of supplements and vitamins.

For use as an over the counter calcium supplement.

Iodine is an ingredient of nutritional supplements that is also used for disinfection.

Investigated for use/treatment in breast disorders (unspecified) and pain (acute or chronic).

Magnesium is a medication used for many purposes including constipation, indigestion, magnesium deficiency, and pre-eclampsia.

Healthy levels of magnesium can be achieved through a well balanced diet, but if food sources are insufficient, magnesium supplements can be used to prevent and treat magnesium deficiencies.

In medicine, various magnesium salts may be used in laxative and antacid products. For example, magnesium citrate is available over-the-counter and may be used to manage occasional constipation. Magnesium sulfate may be used on its own or with total parenteral nutrition to treat hypomagnesemia. Magnesium sulfate is also indicated to prevent seizures in pregnant women with pre-eclampsia, and to manage seizures associated with eclampsia.

Zinc is an essential element commonly used for the treatment of patients with documented zinc deficiency.

Zinc can be used for the treatment and prevention of zinc deficiency/its consequences, including stunted growth and acute diarrhea in children, and slowed wound healing. It is also utilized for boosting the immune system, treating the common cold and recurrent ear infections, as well as preventing lower respiratory tract infections .

Calbodin D3 is also used to associated treatment for these conditions: Hypocalcemia, Hypophosphatemic Rickets, Hypovitaminosis D, Nutritional Rickets, Osteodystrophy, Osteomalacia, Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (SHPT), Hypophosphatemic osteomalaciaCalcium Deficiency, Deficiency of Vitamin D3, Deficiency, Vitamin D, Folate deficiency, Hypocalcemia, Iron Deficiency (ID), OsteoporosisInfection in minor cuts, scrapes, or burns, Antisepsis, Antimycotic, Prophylaxis of bacterial skin infectionsCalcium Deficiency, Magnesium Deficiency, Zinc DeficiencyCandidiasis, Common Cold, Diaper Dermatitis, Diaper Rash, Eye redness, Iron Deficiency (ID), Ocular Irritation, Skin Irritation, Sunburn, Wilson's Disease, Zinc Deficiency, Dietary and Nutritional Therapies, Dietary supplementation

How Calbodin D3 works

In conditions like chronic renal failure, renal bone disease, hypoparathyroidism, and vitamin D dependent rickets, the kidneys' capacity for 1α-hydroxylation is impaired, leading to reduced production of endogenous 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and aberrated mineral metabolism. As an active and potent analog of vitamin D, alfacalcidol works to restore the functions and activities of endogenous 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D.

Calcium citrate increases plasma calcium levels. This reduces calcium flux from osteocyte activity by reducing the secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH) . Calcium does this by stimulating a G-protein coupled calcium receptor on the surface of parathyroid cells. The reduction in calcium flux increases the amount of calcium deposited in bone resulting in an increase in bone mineral density. The reduction in PTH secretion also reduces the amount of vitamin D metabolized to its active form, calcidiol. Since calcidiol increases the expression of calcium dependent ATPases and transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 6 (TRPV6) both of which are involved in calcium uptake from the gut, a reduction in calcidiol results in less calcium absorption. Additionally, TRPV5, the channel responsible for calcium reabsorption in the kidney, is downregulated when PTH secretion is reduced thus increasing calcium excretion via the kidneys. Another hormone, calitonin, is likely involved in the reduction of bone resorption during periods of high plasma calcium.

Molecular iodine is known to inhibit the induction and promotion of N-methyl-n-nitrosourea-induced mammary carcinogenesis, to regress 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-induced breast tumors in rats.It has also been shown to have beneficial effects in fibrocystic human breast disease.

Magnesium is a cofactor for at least 300 enzymes and is important for several functions in the body with some key processes identified below. Enzymes that rely on magnesium to operate help produce energy through oxidative phosphorylation, glycolysis and ATP metabolism. They are also involved in nerve function, muscle contraction, blood glucose control, hormone receptor binding, protein synthesis, cardiac excitability, blood pressure control, gating of calcium channels and transmembrane ion flux.

The mitochondrial intracellular space is rich in magnesium, since it is required to produce the active form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) from ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and inorganic phosphate, and behaves as a counter ion for the energy rich molecule. Additionally, magnesium is essential for ATP metabolism.

Zinc has three primary biological roles: catalytic, structural, and regulatory. The catalytic and structural role of zinc is well established, and there are various noteworthy reviews on these functions. For example, zinc is a structural constituent in numerous proteins, inclusive of growth factors, cytokines, receptors, enzymes, and transcription factors for different cellular signaling pathways. It is implicated in numerous cellular processes as a cofactor for approximately 3000 human proteins including enzymes, nuclear factors, and hormones .

Zinc promotes resistance to epithelial apoptosis through cell protection (cytoprotection) against reactive oxygen species and bacterial toxins, likely through the antioxidant activity of the cysteine-rich metallothioneins .

In HL-60 cells (promyelocytic leukemia cell line), zinc enhances the up-regulation of A20 mRNA, which, via TRAF pathway, decreases NF-kappaB activation, leading to decreased gene expression and generation of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), IL-1beta, and IL-8 .

There are several mechanisms of action of zinc on acute diarrhea. Various mechanisms are specific to the gastrointestinal system: zinc restores mucosal barrier integrity and enterocyte brush-border enzyme activity, it promotes the production of antibodies and circulating lymphocytes against intestinal pathogens, and has a direct effect on ion channels, acting as a potassium channel blocker of adenosine 3-5-cyclic monophosphate-mediated chlorine secretion. Cochrane researchers examined the evidence available up to 30 September 2016 .

Zinc deficiency in humans decreases the activity of serum thymulin (a hormone of the thymus), which is necessary for the maturation of T-helper cells. T-helper 1 (Th(1)) cytokines are decreased but T-helper 2 (Th(2)) cytokines are not affected by zinc deficiency in humans [A342417].

The change of Th(1) to Th(2) function leads to cell-mediated immune dysfunction. Because IL-2 production (Th(1) cytokine) is decreased, this causes decreased activity of natural-killer-cell (NK cell) and T cytolytic cells, normally involved in killing viruses, bacteria, and malignant cells [A3424].

In humans, zinc deficiency may lead to the generation of new CD4+ T cells, produced in the thymus. In cell culture studies (HUT-78, a Th(0) human malignant lymphoblastoid cell line), as a result of zinc deficiency, nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) activation, phosphorylation of IkappaB, and binding of NF-kappaB to DNA are decreased and this results in decreased Th(1) cytokine production .

In another study, zinc supplementation in human subjects suppressed the gene expression and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and decreased oxidative stress markers [A3424]. In HL-60 cells (a human pro-myelocytic leukemia cell line), zinc deficiency increased the levels of TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, and IL-8 cytokines and mRNA. In such cells, zinc was found to induce A20, a zinc finger protein that inhibited NF-kappaB activation by the tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor pathway. This process decreased gene expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress markers .

The exact mechanism of zinc in acne treatment is poorly understood. However, zinc is considered to act directly on microbial inflammatory equilibrium and facilitate antibiotic absorption when used in combination with other agents. Topical zinc alone as well as in combination with other agents may be efficacious because of its anti-inflammatory activity and ability to reduce P. acnes bacteria by the inhibition of P. acnes lipases and free fatty acid levels .


Calbodin D3 dosage

Adults: The usual starting dose is 1 microgram each day. People usually take between 1 and 3 micrograms each day. Most people take between 0.25 and 1 microgram each day once the blood test results show the medicine is working.

If you have very low levels of calcium in your blood, your doctor may prescribe between 3 and 5 microgram each day. Your doctor may prescribe another medicine called a calcium supplement to take as well as Alfacalcidol. This will help to keep the right amount of calcium level in your blood.

Elderly: The usual starting dose is 0.5 microgram each day.


  • Newborn and premature babies: The usual starting dose is 0.05 to 0.1 microgram per kilogram of body weight each day. If the level of calcium in their blood is very low, up to 2 micrograms per kilogram of body weight may be needed each day. A dose of 0.1 microgram per kilogram body weight each day is used to stop low blood calcium levels in premature babies.
  • Children weighing less than 20 kilograms: The usual starting dose is 0.05 microgram per kilogram body weight each day.
  • Children weighing more than 20 kilograms: The usual starting dose is 1 microgram each day.

Side Effects

Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, lassitude, polyuria, sweating, headache, thirst, vertigo, pruritus, rash, urticaria. Hypercalcaemia, hypercalciuria and ectopic calcification.

In case of renal impairment, hyperphosphataemia. In hypercalcaemic dialysis patients, possibility of calcium influx from the dialysate should be considered.


There is a discrepancy across a number of reported LD50 values for alfacalcidol, which can be attributed to differences in the procedures used in laboratories. Oral LD50 in mice ranges from 440 to 490 mcg/kg. Intravenous in mice was 290 mcg/kg; however, another source presented 56 mcg/kg in female mice and 71 mcg/kg in male mice. Oral LD50 in rats ranges from 340 to 720 mcg/kg.

In case of an acute accidental overdose following oral administration, emesis or gastric lavage can be induced to prevent further drug absorption. Mineral oil may be used to promote fecal drug elimination in instances where the drug was already absorbed in the stomach.

Alfacalcidol overdose can lead to hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, and hyperphosphatemia. Similarly, a high intake of calcium and phosphate concurrently with a therapeutic dose of alfacalcidol can result in those conditions. Hypercalcemia most commonly presents with headache, weakness, hypertension, somnolence, dizziness, sweating, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, polyuria, polydipsia and muscle and bone pain, and metallic taste. Hypercalcemia should be responded to with discontinuation of alfacalcidol, a low calcium diet and withdrawal of calcium supplements. Prolonged hypercalcemia can lead to nephrocalcinosis, nephrolithiasis, and reduced kidney function. In cases of severe hypercalcemia, general supportive measures are recommended, which may include forced diuresis and close monitoring of renal function, electrolytes, and electrocardiographs. Monitoring for abnormalities is especially critical in patients receiving digitalis glycosides. Management with glucocorticosteroids, loop diuretics, bisphosphonates, and calcitonin, as well as hemodialysis with low calcium content, may be considered.

Patients taking more than 4g of calcium a day are at risk of hypercalcemia and metabolic alkalosis . Chronic intake of calcium supplements is associated with adverse gastrointestinal symptoms such as constipation and flatulence .

The recommended dietary allowance of magnesium ranges from 30 mg for infants to 420 mg for males between the age of 31 and 50. According to the institute of Medicine (IOM), the majority of adults can tolerate 350 mg of magnesium per day without experiencing adverse effects. Symptoms of magnesium toxicity include diarrhea and other gastrointestinal effects, thirst, muscle weakness, drowsiness, severe back and pelvic pain, hypotension, dizziness, confusion, difficulty breathing, lethargy, and deterioration of kidney function. Other more severe symptoms associated with magnesium overdose include loss of consciousness, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrhythmias and cardiac arrest.

Regular use of laxatives containing magnesium may lead to severe and even fatal hypermagnesemia.

Discontinuation of magnesium products including supplements, laxatives, and antacids is usually sufficient to manage mild cases of magnesium overdose; however, patients should also be screened for renal impairment.

In severe cases of magnesium overdose, patients may require supportive care and interventions including intravenous fluids and furosemide, IV calcium chloride or calcium gluconate, renal dialysis and artificial respiratory support.

According to the Toxnet database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the oral LD50 for zinc is close to 3 g/kg body weight, more than 10-fold higher than cadmium and 50-fold higher than mercury .

The LD50 values of several zinc compounds (ranging from 186 to 623 mg zinc/kg/day) have been measured in rats and mice .


Pregnancy, lactation, renal impairment, infants, elderly. Monitor serum levels of calcium in patients with renal failure. Caution in hypercalciuria in those with history of renal calculi. Avoid in patients with hypersensitivity to inj. containing propylene glycol.


Thiazides may increase the risk of hypercalcaemia. Some antiepileptics e.g. carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin and primidone may increase vitamin D requirements. Rifampicin, isoniazid and corticosteroids may reduce the efficacy of vitamin D.

Volume of Distribution

According to a pharmacokinetic review, the volume of distribution of magnesium sulphate when used to manage patients with pre-eclampsia and eclampsia ranged from 13.65 to 49.00 L.

A pharmacokinetic study was done in rats to determine the distribution and other metabolic indexes of zinc in two particle sizes. It was found that zinc particles were mainly distributed to organs including the liver, lung, and kidney within 72 hours without any significant difference being found according to particle size or rat gender .

Elimination Route

Alfacalcidol is absorbed passively and almost completely in the small intestine.

The percentage of calcium absorbed varies inversely with intake . Tmax of about 3.5-5h varying with formulation .

Approximately 24-76% of ingested magnesium is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, primarily via passive paracellular absorption in the small intestine.

Zinc is absorbed in the small intestine by a carrier-mediated mechanism . Under regular physiologic conditions, transport processes of uptake do not saturate. The exact amount of zinc absorbed is difficult to determine because zinc is secreted into the gut. Zinc administered in aqueous solutions to fasting subjects is absorbed quite efficiently (at a rate of 60-70%), however, absorption from solid diets is less efficient and varies greatly, dependent on zinc content and diet composition .

Generally, 33% is considered to be the average zinc absorption in humans . More recent studies have determined different absorption rates for various populations based on their type of diet and phytate to zinc molar ratio. Zinc absorption is concentration dependent and increases linearly with dietary zinc up to a maximum rate [L20902].

Additionally zinc status may influence zinc absorption. Zinc-deprived humans absorb this element with increased efficiency, whereas humans on a high-zinc diet show a reduced efficiency of absorption .

Half Life

The half-life of alfacalcidol ranges from three to four hours.

Magnesiums biologic half-life is reported to be approximately 1000 hours or 42 days.

The half-life of zinc in humans is approximately 280 days .


In one study of healthy patients, the clearance of zinc was found to be 0.63 ± 0.39 μg/min .

Elimination Route

Cleared via the kidneys but largely reabsorbed (98-99%) under normal conditions .

The majority of magnesium is excreted renally.

The excretion of zinc through gastrointestinal tract accounts for approximately one-half of all zinc eliminated from the body .

Considerable amounts of zinc are secreted through both biliary and intestinal secretions, however most is reabsorbed. This is an important process in the regulation of zinc balance. Other routes of zinc excretion include both urine and surface losses (sloughed skin, hair, sweat) .

Zinc has been shown to induce intestinal metallothionein, which combines zinc and copper in the intestine and prevents their serosal surface transfer. Intestinal cells are sloughed with approximately a 6-day turnover, and the metallothionein-bound copper and zinc are lost in the stool and are thus not absorbed .

Measurements in humans of endogenous intestinal zinc have primarily been made as fecal excretion; this suggests that the amounts excreted are responsive to zinc intake, absorbed zinc and physiologic need .

In one study, elimination kinetics in rats showed that a small amount of ZnO nanoparticles was excreted via the urine, however, most of the nanoparticles were excreted via the feces .

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding use

FDA has not yet classified the drug into a specified pregnancy category.


Hypercalcaemia, metastatic calcification, hyperphosphataemia (except when occurring with hypoparathyroidism), hypermagnesaemia.

Innovators Monograph

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*** Taking medicines without doctor's advice can cause long-term problems.