Cardival Plus Tablet 80 mg+12.5 mg

Cardival Plus Tablet 80 mg+12.5 mg Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction and all others data.

Valsartan is an oral medication that belongs to a class of drugs called angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). It is orally active and specific angiotensin II antagonist acting on the AT1 subtype. Angiotensin's attachment to the receptors cause the blood vessels to narrow (vasoconstrict) which leads to an increase in blood pressure (hypertension). Valsartan blocks the angiotensin II receptor. By blocking the action of angiotensin, Valsartan dilates blood vessels and reduces blood pressure without affecting pulse rate. Valsartan has much greater affinity (about 20,000-fold) for the AT1 receptor than for the AT2 receptor. It does not bind or block other hormone receptors or ion channels known to be important in cardiovascular regulation.Hydrochlorothiazide is a thiazide diuretic. Thiazides affect the renal tubular mechanisms of electrolyte reabsorption, directly increasing excretion of sodium and chloride in approximately equivalent amounts. Indirectly, the diuretic action of Hydrochlorothiazide reduces plasma volume, with consequent increases in plasma renin activity, increases in aldosterone secretion, increases in urinary potassium loss, and decreases in serum potassium. The renin-aldosterone link is mediated by angiotensin II, so co-administration of anangiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor tends to reverse the potassium loss associated with these diuretics.

Trade Name Cardival Plus Tablet 80 mg+12.5 mg
Generic Valsartan + Hydrochlorothiazide
Weight 80 mg+12.5 mg
Type Tablet
Therapeutic Class Combined antihypertensive preparations
Manufacturer Drug International Ltd.
Available Country Bangladesh
Last Updated: October 19, 2023 at 6:27 am
Cardival Plus Tablet 80 mg+12.5 mg
Cardival Plus Tablet 80 mg+12.5 mg

How Cardival Plus Tablet 80 mg+12.5 mg works

Hydrochlorothiazide is transported from the circulation into epithelial cells of the distal convoluted tubule by the organic anion transporters OAT1, OAT3, and OAT4. From these cells, hydrochlorothiazide is transported to the lumen of the tubule by multidrug resistance associated protein 4 (MRP4).

Normally, sodium is reabsorbed into epithelial cells of the distal convoluted tubule and pumped into the basolateral interstitium by a sodium-potassium ATPase, creating a concentration gradient between the epithelial cell and the distal convoluted tubule that promotes the reabsorption of water.

Hydrochlorothiazide acts on the proximal region of the distal convoluted tubule, inhibiting reabsorption by the sodium-chloride symporter, also known as Solute Carrier Family 12 Member 3 (SLC12A3). Inhibition of SLC12A3 reduces the magnitude of the concentration gradient between the epithelial cell and distal convoluted tubule, reducing the reabsorption of water.

Valsartan belongs to the angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) family of drugs, which selectively bind to angiotensin receptor 1 (AT1) and prevent angiotensin II from binding and exerting its hypertensive effects. These include vasoconstriction, stimulation and synthesis of aldosterone and ADH, cardiac stimulation, and renal reabsorption of sodium among others. Overall, valsartan's physiologic effects lead to reduced blood pressure, lower aldosterone levels, reduced cardiac activity, and increased excretion of sodium.

Valsartan also affects the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS), which plays an important role in hemostasis and regulation of kidney, vascular, and cardiac functions. Pharmacological blockade of RAAS via AT1 receptor blockade inhibits negative regulatory feedback within RAAS which is a contributing factor to the pathogenesis and progression of cardiovascular disease, heart failure, and renal disease. In particular, heart failure is associated with chronic activation of RAAS, leading to inappropriate fluid retention, vasoconstriction, and ultimately a further decline in left ventricular function. ARBs have been shown to have a protective effect on the heart by improving cardiac function, reducing afterload, increasing cardiac output and prevent ventricular hypertrophy.

The angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) class of medications (which includes drugs such as ramipril, lisinopril, and perindopril) inhibits the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II by inhibiting the ACE enzyme but does not prevent the formation of all angiotensin II. ARB activity is unique in that it blocks all angiotensin II activity, regardless of where or how it was synthesized.

Valsartan is commonly used for the management of hypertension, heart failure, and type 2 diabetes-associated nephropathy, particularly in patients who are unable to tolerate ACE inhibitors. ARBs such as valsartan have been shown in a number of large-scale clinical outcomes trials to improve cardiovascular outcomes including reducing risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, the progression of heart failure, and hospitalization. Valsartan also slows the progression of diabetic nephropathy due to its renoprotective effects. Improvements in chronic kidney disease with valsartan include both clinically and statistically significant decreases in urinary albumin and protein excretion in patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and in nondiabetic patients diagnosed with chronic kidney disease.

Valsartan also binds to the AT2 receptor, however AT2 is not known to be associated with cardiovascular homeostasis like AT1. Valsartan has about 20,000-fold higher affinity for the AT1 receptor than for the AT2 receptor. The increased plasma levels of angiotensin II following AT1 receptor blockade with valsartan may stimulate the unblocked AT2 receptor.


Cardival Plus Tablet 80 mg+12.5 mg dosage

Hypertension: A patient whose blood pressure is not controlled with Valsartan and Hydrochlorothiazide monotherapy, should switch to Valsartan and Hydrochlorothiazide combination once daily. Highest allowed dose of Valsartan should not be greater than 320 mg in combination with hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg.For Elderly: No initial dosage adjustment is necessary for elderly patients.Pediatric use: Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not been established.

Administration of Valsartan with food decreases the absorption of Valsartan by about 40%, so it should be taken on an empty stomach. No initial dosage adjustment is required for elderly patients with mild to moderate renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Side Effects

The combination of Valsartan and Hydrochlorothiazide is generally well tolerated and side effects are rare. The most common side effects include headache, dizziness, fatigue, abdominal pain, cough, diarrhea and nausea. Patient may also experience hyperkalemia, impotency, reduced renal function, allergic reactions, dyspnea, constipation, back pain, muscle cramps, rash, anxiety, insomnia and vertigo. Hypotension may also occur.


The oral LD50 of hydrochlorothiazide is >10g/kg in mice and rats.

Patients experiencing an overdose may present with hypokalemia, hypochloremia, and hyponatremia. Treat patients with symptomatic and supportive treatment including fluids and electrolytes. Vasopressors may be administered to treat hypotension and oxygen may be given for respiratory impairment.

Approximate LD50 >2000 mg/kg (Gavage, rat) [F3139]

Reproductive Toxicology Studies

No teratogenic effects were seen when valsartan was given to pregnant mice and rats at oral doses up to 600 mg/kg/day and to pregnant rabbits at oral doses reaching up to 10 mg/kg/day. Despite this, marked decreases in fetal weight, pup birth weight, pup survival rate, and delays in developmental milestones were noted in studies in which parental rats were treated with valsartan at oral, maternally toxic doses of 600 mg/kg/day during the organogenesis period or during late gestation and lactation.[F4607]


When used in pregnancy, drugs that act directly on the renin-angiotensin system (RAAS) can cause injury and death to the developing fetus. When pregnancy is detected, valsartan should be discontinued as soon as possible.[F4607]


Impaired Hepatic Function: As the majority of Valsartan is eliminated in the bile, care should be exercised in patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment including biliary obstructive disorder.

Impaired Renal Function: Dosage reduction or discontinuation may be required with patients having pre-existing renal impairment because thiazides may precipitate azotemia.

Heart Failure and Myocardial Infarction: Caution should be observed when initiating therapy in patients with heart failure and post-myocardial infarction patients.


Valsartan: Diuretics: Patient on diuretics may occasionally experience excessive reduction in blood pressure after initiation of therapy with Valsartan. No drug interaction of clinical significance has been identified with thiazide diuretics. Agents increasing Serum Potassium: Since Valsartan decreases the production of aldosterone, potassium supplements or salt containing potassium substitutes may lead to hyperkalemia. Lithium Salts: As with other drugs which eliminate sodium, lithium clearance may be reduced. Therefore, serum lithium levels should be monitored carefully if lithium salts are to be administered. Other drugs showing interaction are Warfarin, Digoxin. Hydrochlorothiazide: When administered concurrently, the following drugs may interact with thiazide diuretics: alcohol, barbiturates, or narcotics may potentiate antihypertensive effect or orthostatic hypotension may occur. Antidiabetic drugs (oral agents and insulin): dosage adjustment of the antidiabetic drug may be required. Other antihypertensive drugs give additive effect. Cholestyramine and colestipol resins: absorption of Hydrochlorothiazide is impaired in the presence of anionic exchange resins.

Volume of Distribution

The volume of distribution varies widely from one study to another with values of 0.83-4.19L/kg.

The steady state volume of distribution of valsartan after intravenous administration is small (17 L), indicating that valsartan does not distribute into tissues extensively.[F3139,F3607]

Elimination Route

An oral dose of hydrochlorothiazide is 65-75% bioavailable, with a Tmax of 1-5 hours, and a Cmax of 70-490ng/mL following doses of 12.5-100mg. When taken with a meal, bioavailability is 10% lower, Cmax is 20% lower, and Tmax increases from 1.6 to 2.9 hours.

After one oral dose, the antihypertensive activity of valsartan begins within approximately 2 hours and peaks within 4-6 hours in most patients.[F3139] Food decreases the exposure to orally administered valsartan by approximately 40% and peak plasma concentration by approximately 50%. AUC and Cmax values of valsartan genereally increase linearly with increasing dose over the therapeutic dose range. Valsartan does not accumulate appreciably in plasma following repetitive administration.[F4607]

Half Life

The plasma half life of hydrochlorothiazide is 5.6-14.8h.

After intravenous (IV) administration, valsartan demonstrates bi-exponential decay kinetics, with an average elimination half-life of about 6 hours.[F4607]


The renal clearance of hydrochlorothiazide in patients with normal renal function is 285mL/min. Patients with a creatinine clearance of 31-80mL/min have an average hydroxychlorothiazide renal clearance of 75mL/min, and patients with a creatinine clearance of ≤30mL/min have an average hydroxychlorothiazide renal clearance of 17mL/min.

Following intravenous administration, plasma clearance of valsartan is approximately 2 L/hour and its renal clearance is 0.62 L/hour (about 30% of total clearance).[F4607]

Elimination Route

Hydrochlorothiazide is eliminated in the urine as unchanged hydrochlorothiazide.

Valsartan, when administered as an oral solution, is primarily recovered in feces (about 83% of dose) and urine (about 13% of dose). The recovery is mainly as unchanged drug, with only about 20% of dose recovered as metabolites.[F4607]

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding use

Pregnancy: Valsartan should not be used in pregnancy, as in 2nd and 3rd trimester it can cause injury and even death to fetus. When pregnancy is detected, Valsartan should be stopped as soon as possible.

Nursing mothers: It is not known whether Valsartan is excreted in human milk. Hydrochlorothiazide is excreted in breast milk.


The combination of Valsartan and Hydrochlorothiazide is contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive to any component of this product. Because of the Hydrochlorothiazide component, this product is contraindicated in patients with anuria or hypersensitivity to other sulfonamide-derived drugs.

Special Warning

Use in Patients with Renal Impairment: The usual regimens of therapy with this combination may be followed as long as the patient's creatinine clearance is >30 ml/min. In patients with more severe renal impairment, loop diuretics are preferred to thiazides. In that case, hydrochlorothiazide is not recommended.

Use in patients with Hepatic Impairment: Care should be taken in patient with hepatic impairment.

Acute Overdose

Valsartan: Limited data are available related to overdosage in humans. The most likely manifestations of overdosage would be hypotension and tachycardia; bradycardia could occur from parasympathetic (vagal) stimulation. If excessive hypotension occurs, the patient should be placed in the supine position and if necessary, has to be given an intravenous infusion of normal saline.

Hydrochlorothiazide: The most common signs and symptoms observed are those caused by electrolyte depletion (hypokalemia, hypochloremia, and dehydration) resulting from excessive diuresis. if digitalis has also been administered with it, hypokalemia, may accentuate cardiac arrhythmias. The degree to which Hydrochlorothiazide is removed by hemodialysis has not been established.

Storage Condition

Store between 15-30° C.

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