Epidew Wrap

Epidew Wrap Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction and all others data.

Cocoa butter is an edible natural fat obtained from the Theobroma cocoa seeds that is predominantly found in dark chocolate . It is a rich source of monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids [A33040] that mainly contains approximately 33% Oleic Acid, 25% Palmitic Acid, and 33% Stearic acid but does not contain caffeine or theobromine. Fat cocoa solids, including cocoa butter, have lower phenolic content than non-fat cocoa solids but may contain some polyphenols of different structures of flavonoids with antioxidant properties .

Cocoa butter is included in chocolate and other food products, and can also be found in over-the-counter skin products such as lotions, creams, and bars intended to maintain skin softness. While cocoa butter has skin moisturizing properties, it was not shown to reduce the likelihood of developing of striae gravidarum, or stretch marks, in a double-blind, randomized clinical trial of women in the first trimester . Still, it is a common active ingredient for prevention of skin dryness in cosmetic and skincare products. Oftentimes cocoa butter is used in over-the-counter pharmaceutical products and suppositories. The lipid-lowering effects of cocoa butter have been studied and investigated, as fatty acid constituents of cocoa butter are known to exhibit lipid-lowering properties. Dyslipidemia is characterized by elevated levels of plasma triglyceride and very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol due to overproduction of large triglyceride-enriched VLDL cholesterol particles . Cocoa butter has shown to reduce VLDL cholesterol levels in animal studies, suggesting its potential use in lipid disorders.

In a rat study, treatment with 10% cocoa butter has been shown to lower liver cholesterol and triglyceride levels without affecting the serum cholesterol levels . Supplementation of cocoa butter reduced the level of creatinine in vitro, suggesting that cocoa butter may also beneficial to renal function via antioxidant effects .

Glycerin is a hyperosmotic laxative, given rectally, which usually produces a bowel movement within 15 minutes to 1 hour. Hyperosmotic laxatives encourage bowel movements by drawing water into the bowel from surrounding tissues. This produces a softer stool mass and increased bowel action. These products are used for fast, predictable relief of occasional constipation.

Glycerin is commonly classified as an osmotic laxative but may act additionally or alternatively through its local irritant effects; it may also have lubricating and fecal softening actions. Glycerin suppositories usually work within 15 to 30 minutes.

A normal intermediate in the fermentation (oxidation, metabolism) of sugar. The concentrated form is used internally to prevent gastrointestinal fermentation. (From Stedman, 26th ed) Sodium lactate is the sodium salt of lactic acid, and has a mild saline taste. It is produced by fermentation of a sugar source, such as corn or beets, and then, by neutralizing the resulting lactic acid to create a compound having the formula NaC3H5O3.

Lactic acid was one of active ingredients in Phexxi, a non-hormonal contraceptive agent that was approved by the FDA on May 2020.

Lactic acid produces a metabolic alkalinizing effect.

Oil extracted from olives . Consists primarily of the glycerides of the fatty acids linoleic, oleic and palmitic. Used as a source of fatty acids in total parenteral nutrition and as an additive in some cosmetic products .

Provides a source of calories and fatty acids .

Shea butter is a plant/plant extract used in some OTC (over-the-counter) products. It is not an approved drug.

Trade Name Epidew Wrap
Generic Olive Oil + Shea Butter + Dimethicone / Polydimethylsiloxane + Aloe Vera Extract + Glycerin + Lactic Acid + Cocoa Butter
Weight 0.5%
Type Soap
Therapeutic Class
Manufacturer Granvalor Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd
Available Country India
Last Updated: September 19, 2023 at 7:00 am
Epidew Wrap
Epidew Wrap


Indicated for topical use in over-the-counter skin products for the treatment of skin dryness and reduction of striae gravidarum (stretch marks).

For the relief of occasional constipation

Lactic acid is an emollient and keratolytic used agent in various cosmetic products and used as an additive in various pharmaceutical products for its antibacterial properties.

For use as an alkalinizing agent.

For use in adults as a source of calories and fatty acids in total parenteral nutrition . Sometimes used as an additive in cosmetic products.

Epidew Wrap is also used to associated treatment for these conditions: Cold Sore, Constipation, Dry Mouth, Dry Skin, Dry throat, Edema of the cerebrum, Hypertension Intracranial, Occasional Constipation, Ocular Discomfort, Ocular Hypertension, Ocular Irritation, Skin Infections, Sore Throat, Mouth soreness, Ocular burning, Bowel preparation therapy, Topical Antisepsis, Skin protectionCorns, Dehydration, Fluid Loss, Hyperkeratosis, Lichenification, Shock, Hypovolemic, Vasoplegic Shock, Warts, Mild Metabolic acidosis, Mild, moderate Metabolic Acidosis, Moderate Metabolic acidosis, Chemical contraception, Electrolyte replacement, Fluid replacement therapy, Parenteral Nutrition, Peritoneal dialysis therapy, Urine alkalinization therapyNutritional supplementation, Total parenteral nutrition therapy

How Epidew Wrap works

Cocoa butter is comprised of saturated fatty acids that exert a neutral cholesterolemic response in humans . Stearic acid is one of the major constituent in cocoa butter that is a non-atherogenic type of dietary saturated fat . Although it is a saturated fatty acid known to elevate plasma lipids and lipoproteins, stearic acid from plant sources differs from animal-derived sources of stearic acid . Possible explanations for this unique property may include chain length, inefficient absorption, metabolism kinetics, and hepatic desaturation of stearic into oleic acid . Apart from its lipid-lowering actions, stearic acid may also mediate actions on hemostasis and thrombosis which still remain inconclusive . In vitro, stearic acid was demonstrated to promote platelet aggregation and factor VII coagulant activity; however in vivo preliminary studies mixed results .

Cocoa butter may contain flavonoids that elicit antioxidant, anti-platelet, anti-inflammatory effects, as well as possibly increasing HDL, lowering blood pressure, and improving endothelial function . They inhibit lipid peroxidation, scavenge reactive oxygen species, and attenuate photochemical overproduction of ROS thus minimize UV-induced photodamage and signs of aging on the skin .

When administered rectally, glycerin exerts a hygroscopic and/or local irritant action, drawing water from the tissues into the feces and reflexively stimulating evacuation. Glycerin decreases intraocular pressure by creating an osmotic gradient between the blood and intraocular fluid, causing fluid to move out of the aqueous and vitreous humors into the bloodstream.

Lactate ions are metabolized ultimately to carbon dioxide and water, which requires the consumption of hydrogen cations.

Fatty acids act as a substrate in energy production through beta-oxidation as well as important components of cell membrane structures and prescursors for bioactive molecules like prostaglandins .


Epidew Wrap dosage

Children under 2 years: Consult a physician.

Children (2 to 6 years): only 1 Glycerin 1.15 suppository per 24 hours or as directed by a physician.

Adults and Children (From 6 years): only 1 Glycerin 2.30 suppository per 24 hours or as directed by a physician

Insert suppository well up into rectum. Suppository need to melt completely to produce laxative action.

Side Effects

Glycerin when used rectally may cause rectal discomfort or a burning sensation


No toxicokinetic data available.

Glycerol has very low toxicity when ingested ; Rat LD50 (oral)-12600mg/kg Mice LD50 (oral )-4090mg/kg Human TDLo (oral) - 1428mg/kg

Fat overload sydrome is the primary form of toxicity characterized by a sudden deterioration in the patient's condition accompanied by fever, anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, coagulation disorders, hyperlipidemia, liver fatty infiltration, deteriorating liver function, and central nervous system manifestations such as coma . The precise cause of this is unclear. While it is most likely to occur during overdosage of lipids some occurences have been reported when lipids are administered appropriately. Intraperitoneal LD50 in mice of >50g/kg and intravenous LD50 in rats of 1320mg/kg .

Volume of Distribution

No pharmacokinetic data available.

Glycerin is distributed throughout the blood. Although glycerin generally does not appear in ocular fluids, it may enter the orbital sac when the eye is inflamed, with a consequent decrease in osmotic effect.

Elimination Route

Cocoa butter displays poor bioavailability and low absorption compared to other oils .

Well absorbed orally, poorly absorbed rectally. Studies in humans and animals indicate glycerol is rapidly absorbed in the intestine and the stomach

Half Life

No pharmacokinetic data available.

30 - 45 minutes


No pharmacokinetic data available.

Elimination Route

No pharmacokinetic data available.

Approx 7-14% of dose is excreted unchanged in the urine within 2.5 hr.

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding use

Pregnancy category C. There are no controlled data in human pregnancy


Sensitivity to the ingredients. Do not use unless the patient to be treated is, in fact, constipated.

Storage Condition

Store below 25° C. Protect from moisture.

Innovators Monograph

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*** Taking medicines without doctor's advice can cause long-term problems.