
Hypochlorit Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction and all others data.

Hypochlorit is an ion composed of chlorine and oxygen with the chemical formula ClO−. Being unstable in the pure form, hypochlorite is most commonly used for bleaching, disinfectation, and water treatment purposes in its salt form, sodium hypochlorite. Hypochlorit is often used as a chemical reagent for chlorination and oxidation reactions.

Sodium hypochlorite exerts antimicrobial actions that depends on the concentration of the available chlorine and the pH of the solution . The concentration of the hypochlorite depends on the overall efficiency of disinfection .

Trade Name Hypochlorit
Generic Hypochlorite
Hypochlorite Other Names Hypochlorit
Formula ClO
Weight Average: 51.452
Monoisotopic: 50.963767329
Protein binding

This pharmacokinetic parameter does not apply for this drug.

Groups Approved
Therapeutic Class
Available Country
Last Updated: September 19, 2023 at 7:00 am


Hypochlorit is an antimicrobial used to treat and prevent infections of the skin and tissue.

Indicated for over-the-counter use as a disinfectant agent in the sodium hypochlorite form.

Hypochlorit is also used to associated treatment for these conditions: Skin disinfection

How Hypochlorit works

Sodium hypochlorite mediate its antimicrobial action by reacting with fatty acids and amino acids. Via saponification reaction, it acts as an organic and fat solvent, degrading fatty acids to form fatty acids and glycerol . This reduces the surface tension of the remaining solution. Sodium hypochlorite may react with amino acids to neutralize them and form water and salt. Hypochlorous acids (HOCl-) present in sodium hypochlorite solutions may act as solvents in contact with organic tissue to release chlorine, which forms chloramines when combined with the protein amino group that disrupt cell metabolism . Chlorine in the solution is a strong oxidant that inhibits essential bacterial enzymes leading to an irreversible oxidation of SH groups . Eventually hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ions degrade and hydrolyze amino acids.


Oral LD50 of sodium hypochlorite in an acute oral toxicity study was 5800 mg/kg in mouse .

Food Interaction

No interactions found.

Volume of Distribution

This pharmacokinetic parameter does not apply for this drug.

Elimination Route

This pharmacokinetic parameter does not apply for this drug.

Half Life

This pharmacokinetic parameter does not apply for this drug.


This pharmacokinetic parameter does not apply for this drug.

Elimination Route

This pharmacokinetic parameter does not apply for this drug.

Innovators Monograph

You find simplified version here Hypochlorit

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