
Isomenopace Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction and all others data.

A water-soluble, enzyme co-factor present in minute amounts in every living cell. It occurs mainly bound to proteins or polypeptides and is abundant in liver, kidney, pancreas, yeast, and milk.

Biotin is a water-soluble B-complex vitamin which is composed of an ureido ring fused with a tetrahydrothiophene ring, which attaches a valeric acid substituent at one of its carbon atoms. Biotin is used in cell growth, the production of fatty acids, metabolism of fats, and amino acids. It plays a role in the Kreb cycle, which is the process in which energy is released from food. Biotin not only assists in various metabolic chemical conversions, but also helps with the transfer of carbon dioxide. Biotin is also helpful in maintaining a steady blood sugar level. Biotin is often recommended for strengthening hair and nails. Consequenty, it is found in many cosmetic and health products for the hair and skin. Biotin deficiency is a rare nutritional disorder caused by a deficiency of biotin. Initial symptoms of biotin deficiency include: Dry skin, Seborrheic dermatitis, Fungal infections, rashes including erythematous periorofacial macular rash, fine and brittle hair, and hair loss or total alopecia. If left untreated, neurological symptoms can develop, including mild depression, which may progress to profound lassitude and, eventually, to somnolence; changes in mental status, generalized muscular pains (myalgias), hyperesthesias and paresthesias. The treatment for biotin deficiency is to simply start taking some biotin supplements. A lack of biotin in infants will lead to a condition called seborrheic dermatitis or "cradle cap". Biotin deficiencies are extremely rare in adults but if it does occur, it will lead to anemia, depression, hair loss, high blood sugar levels, muscle pain, nausea, loss of appetite and inflamed mucous membranes.

Chromium is a transition element with the chemical symbol Cr and atomic number 24 that belongs to Group 6 of the periodic table. It is used in various chemical, industrial and manufacturing applications such as wood preservation and metallurgy. The uses of chromium compounds depend on the valency of chromium, where trivalent Cr (III) compounds are used for dietary Cr supplementation and hexavalent Cr (VI) compounds are used as corrosion inhibitors in commercial settings and are known to be human carcinogens . Humans can be exposed to chromium via ingestion, inhalation, and dermal or ocular exposure . Trivalent chromium (Cr(III)) ion is considered to be an essential dietary trace element as it is involved in metabolism of blood glucose, regulation of insulin resistance and metabolism of lipids. Clinical trials and other studies suggest the evidence of chromium intake improving glucose tolerance in patients with Type I and II diabetes, however its clinical application in the standard management of type II diabetes mellitus is not established. Chromium deficiency has been associated with a diabetic-like state, impaired growth, decreased fertility and increased risk of cardiovascular diseases .

According to the National Institute of Health, the daily dietary reference intake (DRI) of chromium for adult male and non-pregnant female are 35 μg and 25 μg, respectively . Chromium picolinate capsules may be used as nutritional adjuvant in patients with or at risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) to improve blood sugar metabolism and stabilize the levels of serum cholesterol. Chromium chloride is available as an intravenous injection for use as a supplement to intravenous solutions given for total parenteral nutrition (TPN) .

Trivalent chromium is part of glucose tolerance factor, an essential activator of insulin-mediated reactions. Chromium helps to maintain normal glucose metabolism and peripheral nerve function. Chromium increases insulin binding to cells, increases insulin receptor density and activates insulin receptor kinase leading to enhanced insulin sensitivity . In chromium deficiency, intravenous administration of chromium resulted in normalization of the glucose tolerance curve from the diabetic-like curve typical of chromium deficiency .

Copper is a transition metal and a trace element in the body. It is important to the function of many enzymes including cytochrome c oxidase, monoamine oxidase and superoxide dismutase . Copper is commonly used in contraceptive intrauterine devices (IUD) .

Copper is incorporated into many enzymes throughout the body as an essential part of their function . Copper ions are known to reduce fertility when released from copper-containing IUDs .

Folic acid is essential for the production of certain coenzymes in many metabolic systems such as purine and pyrimidine synthesis. It is also essential in the synthesis and maintenance of nucleoprotein in erythropoesis. It also promotes WBC and platelet production in folate-deficiency anaemia.

Folic acid is a water-soluble B-complex vitamin found in foods such as liver, kidney, yeast, and leafy, green vegetables. Also known as folate or Vitamin B9, folic acid is an essential cofactor for enzymes involved in DNA and RNA synthesis. More specifically, folic acid is required by the body for the synthesis of purines, pyrimidines, and methionine before incorporation into DNA or protein. Folic acid is the precursor of tetrahydrofolic acid, which is involved as a cofactor for transformylation reactions in the biosynthesis of purines and thymidylates of nucleic acids. Impairment of thymidylate synthesis in patients with folic acid deficiency is thought to account for the defective deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis that leads to megaloblast formation and megaloblastic and macrocytic anemias. Folic acid is particularly important during phases of rapid cell division, such as infancy, pregnancy, and erythropoiesis, and plays a protective factor in the development of cancer. As humans are unable to synthesize folic acid endogenously, diet and supplementation is necessary to prevent deficiencies. In order to function properly within the body, folic acid must first be reduced by the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) into the cofactors dihydrofolate (DHF) and tetrahydrofolate (THF). This important pathway, which is required for de novo synthesis of nucleic acids and amino acids, is disrupted by anti-metabolite therapies such as Methotrexate as they function as DHFR inhibitors to prevent DNA synthesis in rapidly dividing cells, and therefore prevent the formation of DHF and THF.

In general, folate serum levels below 5 ng/mL indicate folate deficiency, and levels below 2 ng/mL usually result in megaloblastic anemia.

Iodine is commonly used as an antiseptic for minor cuts and abrasions, preventing infections that may result from contaminated wounds. Additionally, iodine has been studied in the treatment of fibrocystic disease and breast cancer.

Manganese is a transition metal with a molar mass of 54.94g/mol. Manganese is considered critical for human health, and plays important roles in development, metabolism, and the antioxidant system. That said, excessive manganese intake is associated with manganism, a neurodegenerative disorder that causes dopaminergic neuronal death and parkinsonian-like symptoms.

Niacin is a preparation of Nicotinic acid. It is proven effective at lowering VLDL, LDL, total cholesterol and triglyceride levels while raising HDL levels. So Niacin has been prescriped for the treatment of cardiovascular disease particularly the hyperlipidemias.

Niacin is a B vitamin used to treat vitamin deficiencies as well as hyperlipidemia, dyslipidemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and to reduce the risk of myocardial infarctions. Niacin acts to decrease levels of very low density lipoproteins and low density lipoproteins, while increasing levels of high density lipoproteins. Niacin has a wide therapeutic window with usual oral doses between 500mg and 2000mg. Patients with diabetes, renal failure, uncontrolled hypothyroidism, and elderly patients taking niacin with simvastatin or lovastatin are at increased risk of myopathy and rhabdomyolysis.

Selenium is a trace metal in the human body particularly important as a component of glutathione peroxidase, an important enzyme in the prevention of cellular damage by free radicals and reactive oxygen species

Selenium is incorporated into many different selenoproteins which serve various functions throughout the body .

Trade Name Isomenopace
Generic Biotin + Ca pantothenate + chromium + copper + folic acid + iodine + Fe + Mg + manganese + niacin + selenium + vit A + vit B + vit B + vit B + vit B + vit C + vit D + vit E + Zn
Weight 30mcg, 30mg, 50mcg, 1mg, 400mcg, 225mcg, 12mg, 100mg, 2mg, 20mg, 100mcg, 750mcg, 110mg, 129mcg, 25mg, 640mg, 45mg, 32.5mcg, 30mg, 15mg
Type Tablet
Therapeutic Class
Manufacturer Vitabiotics Utama Indonesia
Available Country Indonesia
Last Updated: September 19, 2023 at 7:00 am


Biotin is a B-complex vitamin found in many multivitamin products.

For nutritional supplementation, also for treating dietary shortage or imbalance.

Chromium is an ingredient found in a variety of supplements and vitamins.

Indicated for use as a supplement to intravenous solutions given for total parenteral nutrition (TPN), to maintain chromium serum levels and to prevent depletion of endogenous stores and subsequent deficiency symptoms .

Copper is a transition metal found in a variety of supplements and vitamins, including intravenous solutions for total parenteral nutrition (TPN).

For use in the supplementation of total parenteral nutrition and in contraception with intrauterine devices .

Prophylaxis of megaloblastic anaemia in pregnancy, Supplement for women of child-bearing potential, Folate-deficient megaloblastic anaemia, Prophylaxis of neural tube defect in pregnancy

Iodine is an ingredient of nutritional supplements that is also used for disinfection.

Investigated for use/treatment in breast disorders (unspecified) and pain (acute or chronic).

Manganese is a transition metal used for supplementation of manganese during Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN).

Indicated for use as a supplement to intravenous solutions given for Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN). Administration helps to maintain plasma levels and to prevent depletion of endogenous stores and subsequent deficiency symptoms.

Therapy with lipid-altering agents should be only one component of multiple risk factor intervention in individuals at significantly increased risk for atheroscleroticvascular disease due to hyperlipidemia. Niacin therapy is used for an adjunct to diet when the response to a diet restricted in saturated fat and cholesterol and other nonpharmacologic measures alone has been inadequate.

  • Niacin is used to reduce elevated TC, LDL-C, Apo B and TG levels, and to increase HDL-C in patients with primary hyperlipidemia and mixed dyslipidemia.
  • In patients with a history of myocardial infarction and hyperlipidemia, niacin is used to reduce the risk of recurrent nonfatal myocardial infarction.
  • In patients with a history of coronary artery disease (CAD) and hyperlipidemia, niacin, in combination with a bile acid binding resin, is used to slow progression or promote regression of atherosclerotic disease.
  • Niacin in combination with a bile acid binding resin is used to reduce elevated TC and LDL-C levels in adult patients with primary hyperlipidemia.
  • Niacin is also used as adjunctive therapy for treatment of adult patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia who present a risk of pancreatitis and who do not respond adequately to a determined dietary effort to control them.

Selenium is an ingredient found in a variety of supplements and vitamins.

For the supplementation of total parenteral nutrition to prevent hyposelenemia .

Isomenopace is also used to associated treatment for these conditions: Vitamin Deficiency, Nutritional supplementationMineral supplementationEmergency Contraception, IUD, Trace Element Deficiency, Dietary supplementationAnaemia folate deficiency, Folate deficiency, Iron Deficiency (ID), Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA), Latent Iron Deficiency, Neural Tube Defects (NTDs), Vitamin Deficiency, Methotrexate toxicity, Nutritional supplementationInfection in minor cuts, scrapes, or burns, Antisepsis, Antimycotic, Prophylaxis of bacterial skin infectionsMineral supplementation, Total parenteral nutrition therapy, Vitamin supplementation, Dietary supplementationAtherosclerosis, Mixed Dyslipidemias, Myocardial Infarction, Pellagra, Vitamin Deficiency, Primary Hyperlipidemia, Severe Hyperlipidemia, Dietary supplementationNutritional supplementation

How Isomenopace works

Biotin is necessary for the proper functioning of enzymes that transport carboxyl units and fix carbon dioxide, and is required for various metabolic functions, including gluconeogenesis, lipogenesis, fatty acid biosynthesis, propionate metabolism, and catabolism of branched-chain amino acids.

Chromium is an essential nutrient involved in the metabolism of glucose, insulin and blood lipids. Its role in potentiating insulin signalling cascades has been implicated in several studies. Chromium upregulates insulin-stimulated insulin signal transduction via affecting effector molecules downstream of the insulin receptor (IR). IR-mediated signalling pathway involves phoshorylation of multiple intracellular domains and protein kinases, and downstream effector molecules . Upon activation by ligands, intracellular β-subunit of IR autophosphorylates and activates tyrosine kinase domain of the IR, followed by activation and phosphorylation of regulatory proteins and downstream signalling effectors including phosphatidylinositol 2-kinase (PI3K). PI3K activates further downstream reaction cascades to activate protein kinase B (Akt) to ultimately promote translocation of glucose transporter-4 (Glut4)-vesicles from the cytoplasm to the cell surface and regulate glucose uptake . Chromium enhances the kinase activity of insulin receptor β and increases the activity of downstream effectors, pI3-kinase and Akt.

Under insulin-resistant conditions, chromium also promotes GLUT-4 transporter translocation that is independent of activity of IR, IRS-1, PI3-kinase, or Akt; chromium mediates cholesterol efflux from the membranes via increasing fluidity of the membrane by decreasing the membrane cholesterol and upregulation of sterol regulatory element-binding protein . As a result, intracellular GLUT-4 transporters are stimulated to translocate from intracellular to the plasma membrane, leading to enhanced glucose uptake in muscle cells . Chromium attenuates the activity of PTP-1B in vitro, which is a negative regulator of insulin signaling. It also alleviates ER stress that is observed to be elevated the suppression of insulin signaling. ER stress is thought to activate c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), which subsequently induces serine phosphorylation of IRS and aberration of insulin signalling . Transient upregulation of AMPK by chromium also leads to increased glucose uptake .

Copper is absorbed from the gut via high affinity copper uptake protein and likely through low affinity copper uptake protein and natural resistance-associated macrophage protein-2 . It is believed that copper is reduced to the Cu1+ form prior to transport. Once inside the enterocyte, it is bound to copper transport protein ATOX1 which shuttles the ion to copper transporting ATPase-1 on the golgi membrane which take up copper into the golgi apparatus. Once copper has been secreted by enterocytes into the systemic circulation it remain largely bound by ceruloplasmin (65-90%), albumin (18%), and alpha 2-macroglobulin (12%).

Copper is an essential element in the body and is incorporated into many oxidase enzymes as a cofactor . It is also a component of zinc/copper super oxide dismutase, giving it an anti-oxidant role. Copper defiency occurs in Occipital Horn Syndrome and Menke's disease both of which are associated with impaired development of connective tissue due to the lack of copper to act as a cofactor in protein-lysine-6-oxidase. Menke's disease is also associated with progressive neurological impairment leading to death in infancy. The precise mechanisms of the effects of copper deficiency are vague due to the wide range of enzymes which use the ion as a cofactor.

Copper appears to reduce the viabilty and motility of spermatozoa . This reduces the likelihood of fertilization with a copper IUD, producing copper's contraceptive effect . The exact mechanism of copper's effect on sperm are unknown.

Folic acid, as it is biochemically inactive, is converted to tetrahydrofolic acid and methyltetrahydrofolate by dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). These folic acid congeners are transported across cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis where they are needed to maintain normal erythropoiesis, synthesize purine and thymidylate nucleic acids, interconvert amino acids, methylate tRNA, and generate and use formate. Using vitamin B12 as a cofactor, folic acid can normalize high homocysteine levels by remethylation of homocysteine to methionine via methionine synthetase.

Molecular iodine is known to inhibit the induction and promotion of N-methyl-n-nitrosourea-induced mammary carcinogenesis, to regress 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-induced breast tumors in rats.It has also been shown to have beneficial effects in fibrocystic human breast disease.

Niacin performs a number of functions in the body and so has many mechanisms, not all of which have been fully described. Niacin can decrease lipids and apolipoprotein B (apo B)-containing lipoproteins by modulating triglyceride synthesis in the liver, which degrades apo B, or by modulating lipolysis in adipose tissue.

Niacin inhibits hepatocyte diacylglycerol acyltransferase-2. This action prevents the final step of triglyceride synthesis in hepatocytes, limiting available triglycerides for very low density lipoproteins (VLDL). This activity also leads to intracellular degradation of apo B and decreased production of low density lipoproteins, the catabolic product of VLDL.

Niacin also inhibits a high density lipoprotein (HDL) catabolism receptor, which increases the levels and half life of HDL.

Selenium is first metabolized to selenophosphate and selenocysteine. Selenium incorporation is genetically encoded through the RNA sequence UGA . This sequence is recognized by RNA ste loop structures called selenocysteine inserting sequences (SECIS). These structures require the binding of SECIS binding proteins (SBP-2) to recognize selenocystiene. The specialized tRNA is first bound to a serine residue which is then enzymatically processed to a selylcysteyl-tRNA by selenocystiene sythase using selenophosphate as a selenium donor. Other unidentified proteins are required as part of the binding of this tRNA to the ribosome. Selenoproteins appear to be necessary for life as mice with the specialized tRNA gene knocked out exhibited early embryonic lethality .

The most important selenoproteins seem to be the glutathione peroxidases and thioredoxin reductases which are part of the body's defenses againts reactive oxygen species (ROS) . The importance of selenium in these anti-oxidant proteins has been implicated in the reduction of atherosclerosis by preventing the oxidation of low density lipoprotein . Selenium supplementation is also being investigated in the prevention of cancer and has been suggested to be beneficial to immune function .


Isomenopace dosage

Supplement for women of child-bearing potential: 0.4 mg daily.

Folate-deficient megaloblastic anaemia: 5 mg daily for 4 mth, up to 15 mg daily in malabsorption states. Continued dosing at 5 mg every 1-7 days may be needed in chronic haemolytic states, depending on the diet and rate of haemolysis.

Prophylaxis of neural tube defect in pregnancy: 4 or 5 mg daily starting before pregnancy and continued through the 1st trimester.

Prophylaxis of megaloblastic anaemia in pregnancy: 0.2-0.5 mg daily.

Niacin can be administered as a single dose at bedtime, after a snack or meal and doses should be individualized according to patient response. Therapy with Niacin must be initiated at 500 mg in order to reduce the incidence and severity of side effects which may occur during early therapy.

Maintenance Dose: The daily dosage of Niacin should not be increased by more than 500 mg in any 4-week period. The recommended maintenance dose is 1000 mg (two 500 mg tablets or one 1000 mg tablet) to 2000 mg (two 1000 mg tablets or four 500 mg tablets) once daily at bedtime. Doses greater than 2000 mg daily are not recommended. Women may respond at lower Niacin doses than men.

Single-dose bioavailability studies have demonstrated that two of the 500 mg and one of the 1000 mg tablet strengths are interchangeable but three of the 500 mg and two of the 750 mg tablet strengths are not interchangeable.

Flushing of the skin may be reduced in frequency or severity by pretreatment with aspirin (up to the recommended dose of 325 mg taken 30 minutes prior to Niacin dose). Tolerance to this flushing develops rapidly over the course of several weeks. Flushing,pruritus, andgastrointestinaldistress are also greatly reduced by slowly increasing the dose of niacin and avoiding administration on an empty stomach. Concomitant alcoholic, hot drinks or spicy foods may increase the side effects of flushing and pruritus and should be avoided around the time of Niacin ingestion.

Equivalent doses of Niacin should not be substituted for sustained-release (modified-release, timed-release) niacin preparations or immediate-release (crystalline) niacin. Patients previously receiving other niacin products should be started with the recommended Niacin titration schedule, and the dose should subsequently be individualized based on patient response.

If Niacin therapy is discontinued for an extended period, reinstitution of therapy should include a titration phase.

May be taken with or without food.

Niacin tablets should be taken whole and should not be broken, crushed or chewed before swallowing.

Side Effects

GI disturbances, hypersensitivity reactions; bronchospasm.

Niacin is generally well tolerated; adverse reactions have been mild and transient.The most frequent advers effects were flushing, itching, pruritis, nausea and GI upset, jaundice ,hypotension, tachycardia, increased serum blood glucose and uric acid levels, myalgia.


Prolonged skin contact may cause irritation.

Oral LD50 for Cr (VI) is 135 - 175 mg/kg in mouse and 46 - 113 mg/kg in rat . Oral LD50 for Cr (III) in rat is >2000 mg/kg . LD50 of chromium (III) oxide in rats is reported to be > 5g/kg . Other LD50 values reported for rats include: 3.5 g/kg (CI 3.19-3.79 g/kg) for chromium sulphate; 11.3 g/kg for chromium (III) acetate; 3.3 g/kg for chromium nitrate; and 1.5 g/kg for chromium nitrate nonahydrate .

Acute overdose of chromium is rare and seriously detrimental effects of hexavalent chromium are primarily the result of chronic low-level exposure . In case of overdose with minimal toxicity following acute ingestion, treatment should be symptomatic and supportive . There is no known antidote for chromium toxicity.

Hexavalent chromium is a Class A carcinogen by the inhalation route of exposure and Class D by the oral route . The oral lethal dose in humans has been estimated to be 1-3 g of Cr (VI); oral toxicity most likely involves gastrointestinal bleeding rather than systemic toxicity . Chronic exposure may cause damage to the following organs: kidneys, lungs, liver, upper respiratory tract . Soluble chromium VI compounds are human carcinogens. Hexavalent chromium compounds were mutagenic in bacteria assays and caused chromosome aberrations in mammalian cells. There have been associations of increased frequencies of chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes from chromate production workers . In human cells in vitro, Cr (VI) caused chromosomal aberrations, sister chromatid exchanges and oxidative DNA damage .

Copper toxicity is belevied to be due to fenton-type redox reactions occuring with high copper concentrations which produce damaging reactive oxygen species .

IPR-MUS LD50 85 mg/kg,IVN-GPG LD50 120 mg/kg, IVN-MUS LD50 239 mg/kg, IVN-RAT LD50 500 mg/kg, IVN-RBT LD50 410 mg/kg

Overdose of niacin may present with severe prolonged hypotension. Patients experiencing an overdose should be treated with supportive measures which may include intravenous fluids.

The oral LD50 in the mouse is 3720mg/kg, in the rabbit is 4550mg/kg, in the rat is 7000mg/kg, and the dermal LD50 in the rat is >2000mg/kg.

Oral LD50 of 6700mg/kg in rats . Selenium exposure is teratogenic and can result in fetal death as tested in mice. Chronic toxicity is characterized by hair loss, white horizontal streaking on fingernails, paronchyia, fatigue, irritability, hyperreflexia, nausea, vomiting, garlic odor on breath, and metallic taste . Serum selenium correlates weakly with symtoms. Blood chemistry as well as liver and kidney function are normally unnaffected. Acute toxicity presents as stupor, respiratory depression, and hypotension. ST elevations and t-wave changes characteristic of myocardial infarction may be observed.


Treatment resistance may occur in patients with depressed haematopoiesis, alcoholism, deficiencies of other vitamins. Neonates.

Before instituting therapy with Niacin, an attempt should be made to control hyperlipidemia with appropriate diet, exercise, and weight reduction in obese patients and to treat other underlying medical problems. Patients with a past history of jaundice, hepatobiliary disease, or peptic ulcer should be observed closely during Niacin therapy. Frequent monitoring of liver function tests and blood glucose should be performed to ascertain that the drug is producing no adverse effects on these organ systems. Diabetic patients may experience a dose-related rise in glucose intolerance, the clinical significance of which is unclear. Diabetic or potentially diabetic patients should be observed closely. Adjustment of diet and/or hypoglycemic therapy may be necessary.

Caution should also be used when Niacin is used in patients with unstable angina or in the acute phase of MI, particularly when such patients are also receiving vasoactive drugs such as nitrates, calcium channel blockers or adrenergic blocking agents. Elevated uric acid levels have occurred with Niacin therapy, therefore use with caution in patients predisposed to gout. Niacin has been associated with small but statistically significant dose-related reductions in platelet count and increases in prothrombin time. Caution should be observed when Niacin is administered concomitantly with anticoagulants; prothrombin time and platelet counts should be monitored closely in such patients. Niacin has been associated with small but statistically significant, dose-related reductions in phosphorus levels (mean of -13% with 2000 mg). So phosphorus levels should be monitored periodically in patients at risk.


Antiepileptics, oral contraceptives, anti-TB drugs, alcohol, aminopterin, methotrexate, pyrimethamine, trimethoprim and sulphonamides may result to decrease in serum folate contrations. Decreases serum phenytoin concentrations.

Niacin may potentiate the effects of ganglionic blocking agents and vasoactive drugs resulting in postural hypotension. Concomitant aspirin may decrease the metabolic clearance of nicotinic acid. The clinical relevance of this finding is unclear. About 98% of available Niacin was bound to colestipol, with 10 to 30% binding to cholestyramine. These results suggest that 4 to 6 hours, or as great an interval as possible, should elapse between the ingestion of bile acid-binding resins and the administration of Niacin.

Volume of Distribution

Absorbed chromium is distributed to all tissues of the body and its distribution in the body depends on the species, age, and chemical form . Circulating Cr (III) following oral or parenteral administration of different compounds can be taken up by tissues and accumulates in the liver, kidney, spleen, soft tissue, and bone .

Tetrahydrofolic acid derivatives are distributed to all body tissues but are stored primarily in the liver.

Data regarding the volume of distribution of niacin is not readily available.

Elimination Route

Systemic - approximately 50%

Chromium compounds are both absorbed by the lung and the gastrointestinal tract. Oral absorption of chromium compounds in humans can range between 0.5% and 10%, with the hexavalent (VI) chromium more easily absorbed than the trivalent (III) form . Absorption of chromium from the intestinal tract is low, ranging from less than 0.4% to 2.5% of the amount consumed . Vitamin C and the vitamin B niacin is reported to enhance chromium absorption .

Most hexavalent Cr (VI) undergoes partial intragastric reduction to Cr (III) upon absorption, which is an action mainly mediated by sulfhydryl groups of amino acids . Cr (VI) readily penetrates cell membranes and chromium can be found in both erythrocytes and plasma after gastrointestinal absorption of Cr (IV). In comparison, the presence of chromium is limited to the plasma as Cr (III) displays poor cell membrane penetration . Once transported through the cell membrane, Cr (VI) is rapidly reduced to Cr (III), which subsequently binds to macromolecules or conjugate with proteins. Cr (III) may be bound to transferrin or other plasma proteins, or as complexes, such as glucose tolerance factor (GTF).

Copper absorption varies inversely with intake. Absorption range is 12-65%.

Folic acid is absorbed rapidly from the small intestine, primarily from the proximal portion. Naturally occurring conjugated folates are reduced enzymatically to folic acid in the gastrointestinal tract prior to absorption. Folic acid appears in the plasma approximately 15 to 30 minutes after an oral dose; peak levels are generally reached within 1 hour.

In patients with chronic kidney disease, the Cmax is 0.06µg/mL for a 500mg oral dose, 2.42µg/mL for a 1000mg oral dose, and 4.22µg/mL for a 1500mg oral dose. The Tmax is 3.0 hours for a 1000mg or 1500mg oral dose. The AUC is 1.44µg*h/mL for a 500mg oral dose, 6.66µg*h/mL for a 1000mg oral dose, and 12.41µg*h/mL for a 1500mg oral dose. These values did not drastically differ in patients requiring dialysis.

Oral bioavailability of 90% when given as L-selenomethionine . Tmax of 9.17h.

Half Life

The elimination half-life of hexavalent chromium is 15 to 41 hours .

The half life of niacin is 0.9h, nicotinuric acid is 1.3h, and nicotinamide is 4.3h.

Half life was observed to increase with chronic dosing time . For day 1-2 half life was 1.7 days. For day 2-3 half life was 3 days. For day 3-14 half life was 11.1 days.


Excretion of chromium is via the kidneys ranges from 3 to 50 μg/day . The 24-hour urinary excretion rates for normal human subjects are reported to be 0.22 μg/day .

Data regarding the clearance of niacin is not readily available.

Elimination Route

Absorbed chromium is excreted mainly in the urine, accounting for 80% of total excretion of chromium; small amounts are lost in hair, perspiration and bile . Chromium is excreted primarily in the urine by glomerular filtration or bound to a low molecular-weight organic transporter .

Copper appears to be eliminated primarily through bile .

After a single oral dose of 100 mcg of folic acid in a limited number of normal adults, only a trace amount of the drug appeared in the urine. An oral dose of 5 mg in 1 study and a dose of 40 mcg/kg of body weight in another study resulted in approximately 50% of the dose appearing in the urine. After a single oral dose of 15 mg, up to 90% of the dose was recovered in the urine. A majority of the metabolic products appeared in the urine after 6 hours; excretion was generally complete within 24 hours. Small amounts of orally administered folic acid have also been recovered in the feces. Folic acid is also excreted in the milk of lactating mothers.

69.5% of a dose of niacin is recovered in urine. 37.9% of the recovered dose was N-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide, 16.0% was N-methylnicotinamide, 11.6% was nicotinuric acid, and 3.2% was niacin.

Mainly excreted in urine as 1beta-methylseleno-N-acetyl-d-galactosamine and trimethylselenonium . The amount excreted as 1beta-methylseleno-N-acetyl-d-galactosamine plateaus at doses around 2microg after which the amount excreted as trimethylselenonium increases. Some selenium is also excreted in feces when given orally .

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding use

Pregnancy Category A. Adequate and well-controlled human studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy (and there is no evidence of risk in later trimesters).

Niacin cannot be used in pregnancy and lactation because of a lack of information.


Undiagnosed megaloblastic anaemia; pernicious, aplastic or normocytic anaemias.

Niacin is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to Niacin or any component of this medication, significant or unexplained hepatic dysfunction, active peptic ulcer disease or arterial bleeding.

Acute Overdose

Supportive measures should be undertaken in the event of an overdosage. Symptoms may include nausea, dizziness, itching, vomiting, upset stomach, and flushing

Storage Condition

Store at 15-30° C.

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