
Podofillina Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction and all others data.

Podofillina is a resin extracted from the roots of Podophyllum peltatum (American mandrake) and Podophyllum emodi, which contains numerous compounds, amongst which is podophyllin (as well as the drug podophyllotoxin). Podofillina is the principal active component. Podofillina arrests mitosis in metaphase.

Cell division is arrested and other cellular processes are impaired, gradually resulting in the disruption of cells and destruction of the tissue.

Trade Name Podofillina
Generic Podophyllin
Podophyllin Other Names Podofillina, Podophyllum (resin), Podophyllum resin
Formula C88H92O34
Weight Average: 1693.67
Monoisotopic: 1692.547000042
Protein binding

No data available.

Groups Approved
Therapeutic Class
Available Country
Last Updated: September 19, 2023 at 7:00 am


Podofillina is a cytotoxic agent used for the removal of soft genital (venereal) warts (condylomata acuminata).

25% podophyllin (in benzoin tincture) is indicated for the removal of soft genital (venereal) warts (condylomata acuminata).

Podofillina is also used to associated treatment for these conditions: Soft genital warts

How Podofillina works

Podofillina is a cytotoxic agent that has been used topically in the treatment of genital warts. It arrests mitosis in metaphase, an effect it shares with other cytotoxic agents such as the vinca alkaloids. The active agent is podophyllotoxin.


  1. LD50 (IV) Rat: 8.7 mg/kg
  2. LD50 (IP) Rat: 15 mg/kg
  3. LD50 (SC) Rat: 8 mg/kg
  4. LD50 (IM) Rat: 3 mg/kg
  5. LD50 (IP) Mouse: 30 mg/kg
  6. LD50 (SC) Mouse: 24.6 mg/kg

While podophyllin, the herbal extract from which podophyllotoxin is derived, can cause enteritis and potentially fatal CNS depression, podophyllotoxin has been shown to be safe, with minimal toxicity even in large doses. Application can be immediately followed by burning or itching. Small sores, itching and peeling skin can also follow.

Food Interaction

No interactions found.

Volume of Distribution

No data available.

Elimination Route

Oral absorption: Podophyllum is very well and rapidly absorbed after ingestion. Dermal absorption: systemic poisoning was reported after topical application in some cases. Symptoms were delayed between 2-24 hr.

Half Life

No data available.


No data available.

Elimination Route

No data available.

Innovators Monograph

You find simplified version here Podofillina

*** Taking medicines without doctor's advice can cause long-term problems.