
Proclacam Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction and all others data.

An ergot derivative that acts as an agonist at dopamine D2 receptors (dopamine agonists). It may also act as an antagonist at dopamine D1 receptors, and as an agonist at some serotonin receptors (serotonin agonists).

There is evidence that lisuride lowers prolactin levels and, in low doses, prevents migraine attacks.

Trade Name Proclacam
Generic Lisuride
Lisuride Other Names Lisurid, Lisurida, Lisuride, Lisuridum
Formula C20H26N4O
Weight Average: 338.4466
Monoisotopic: 338.210661474
Protein binding

about 15%

Groups Approved, Investigational
Therapeutic Class
Available Country
Last Updated: September 19, 2023 at 7:00 am


For the management of Parkinson's Disease

How Proclacam works

Proclacam is an anti-Parkinson drug chemically related to the dopaminergic ergoline Parkinson's drugs. Proclacam binds to the 5-HT(1A) and 5-HT(2A/2C) receptors. It is also thought to bind to the dopamine receptor and to act as a dopamine agonist. Evidence has also emerged that Proclacam also binds to the Histamine H1 receptor.

Innovators Monograph

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*** Taking medicines without doctor's advice can cause long-term problems.