Softifiber Jar

Softifiber Jar Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction and all others data.

The husk and seed of Plantago ovata are commonly known as psyllium or Ispaghula. Psyllium is widely used as a fiber supplement for the treatment of constipation. Psyllium husk is obtained by milling the seed of P.ovata.Psyllium is classified as a mucilaginous fiber due to its powerful ability to form a gel in water. This ability comes from its role as the endosperm of the P. ovata seed, where it's functions to retain water in order to prevent the seed from drying out. Psyllium husk contains

High proportion of hemicelluloseArabinoseRhamnoseGalacturonic acid units (arabinoxylans)35% soluble and 65% insoluble polysaccharidesMost of the Ispaghula reach the caecum within four hours after ingestion in an intact and highly polymerized form. Ispaghula husk significantly increases the level of stool moisture, as well as wet and dry stool weight and shorten gastrointestinal transit time. Anaerobic fermentation of the soluble non-starch polysaccharides from Ispaghula seed results in the production of short chain fatty acids, acetate, propionate and butyrate in the intestine. Butyric acid is the preferred oxidative substrate for colonocytes and may be helpful in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Ispaghula has hypocholesterolemic effects also. It is assumed that Ispaghula increases the activity of cholesterol alpha hydroxylase, HMG-CoA reductase and fractional turnover of both chenodeoxycholic and cholic acids. As a result it decreases cholesterol absorption and lowers LDL cholesterol.


In the colon it is broken down to short chain organic acids and increases osmotic pressure in the colon, thereby causing an increase in the stool water content and stool volume.

Lactitol helps to facilitate bowel movements by drawing water into the gastrointestinal tract. The oral administration of lactitol may reduce the absorption of concomitant medications - other oral medications should be administered at least 2 hours before or 2 hours after lactitol.

Trade Name Softifiber Jar
Generic Lactitol + Ispaghula Husk
Weight 10gm
Type Powder
Therapeutic Class
Manufacturer Gracious Pharmaceuticals
Available Country India
Last Updated: September 19, 2023 at 7:00 am
Softifiber Jar
Softifiber Jar


This medicine contains ispaghula husk which is a bulking agent. This means that when it is taken with water it increases the size of the faeces (stools) and helps solid waste to pass through the body. Ispaghula Husk sachets are used to treat constipation and in conditions where it is better for the patient to have soft stools. They are also used for patients who require a high fibre diet

Constipation, Hepatic encephalopathy

Softifiber Jar is also used to associated treatment for these conditions: Constipation, Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE), Occasional Constipation, Chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC)

How Softifiber Jar works

Lactitol is an osmotic laxative - it exerts its pharmacologic effect by creating a hyperosmotic environment within the small intestine. The osmotic effect generated by lactitol draws water into the small intestine, which loosens stools and ultimately facilitates bowel movements.


Softifiber Jar dosage


  • Adult: 3.5 g 1-3 times daily. Mix with a full glass of liq.
  • Child: ≤12 yr Each level 5-mL spoonful contains 1.75 g: Half to 1 level 5-mL spoonful bid (morning and evening) to be dissolved in water.

Mild to moderate hypercholesterolaemia:

  • Adult: As adjunct to lipid-lowering diet: 7.5-10 g daily. Mix with a full glass of liq.

2 teaspoonfuls (20 gm) once or twice daily with plenty of water

Should be taken on an empty stomach. Take before meals with a full glass of water.

Side Effects

Abdominal distention, flatulence, GI impaction, GI obstruction, hypersensitivity reactions e.g. rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchospasm and anaphylaxia; cutaneous symptoms (e.g. exanthema and/or pruritus).

Abdominal distension, flatulance and abdominal cramp.


The LD50 is 23 g/kg in mice and >30 g/kg in rats.

Experience with acute overdosage is limited, but is likely to involve significant gastrointestinal upset and diarrhea consistent with the pharmacologic profile of lactitol. Overdosage should be managed with symptomatic and supportive measures, where necessary.


Patient with swallowing difficulty. Children.

Lactose intolerance.


Concurrent use of licorice, laxatives and antidiabetic agents may result in increased risk of hypokalemia and hypoglycemia. Carbamazepine bio-availability may be reduced during concomitant administration of psyllium seed.

Volume of Distribution

Data regarding the volume of distribution of lactitol are unavailable.

Elimination Route

In healthy subjects under fed conditions, oral administration of 20 grams of lactitol resulted in a mean Tmax of 3.6 ± 1.2 hours, Cmax of 776 ± 253 ng/mL, and a mean AUC of 6,019 ± 1,771 ng*hr/mL.

Half Life

The average half-life of orally administered lactitol is 2.4 hours.


Data regarding the clearance of lactitol are unavailable.

Elimination Route

Lactitol is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract to any significant extent. The vast majority of an ingested dose is likely degraded into organic acids in the colon and eliminated in the feces.

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding use

No adverse effects of has been reported in pregnancy & lactation.

Pregnancy Category - Not Classified. FDA has not yet classified the drug into a specified pregnancy category.


Pre-existing faecal impaction, intestinal obstruction, natural or drug-induced reduction of gut motility, colonic atony e.g. senile megacolon.

Patients with known hypersensitivity to any of the active substance. Gastro-intestinal obstruction. Galactosaemia.

Acute Overdose

Symptoms: Abdominal discomfort and flatulence.

Management: Maintain adequate fluid intake.

Storage Condition

Store below 30° C.

Innovators Monograph

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*** Taking medicines without doctor's advice can cause long-term problems.