Tussin Cough

Tussin Cough Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction and all others data.

Ambroxol is a metabolite of Bromhexine. It possesses mucokinetic (improvement in mucus transport) and secretolytic (liquefies secretions) properties. Ambroxol stimulates the serous cells of the glands of the mucous membrane of bronchi, increasing the content of mucus secretion. The mucolytic effect is associated with depolymerization and splitting of mucoproteins and mucopolysaccharide fibres, which leads to reduction in the viscosity of mucus. Expectoration of mucus is facilitated and breathing is eased considerably. Ambroxol stimulates production of phospholipids of surfactant by alveolar cells. Ambroxol has anti-inflammatory properties. In patients with COPD, it improves airway patency. Beside these, Ambroxol also exhibits anti-oxidant activity. Long-term use is possible because of the good tolerability of the preparation.

Cetirizine is a potent and highly selective antagonist of the peripheral histamine H1-receptor on effector cells in the GI tract, blood vessels and respiratory tract.

General effects and respiratory effects

Cetirizine, the active metabolite of the piperazine H1-receptor antagonist hydroxyzine, minimizes or eliminates the symptoms of chronic idiopathic urticaria, perennial allergic rhinitis, seasonal allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, physical urticaria, and atopic dermatitis.The clinical efficacy of cetirizine for allergic respiratory diseases has been well established in numerous trials .

Effects on urticaria/anti-inflammatory effects

Phenylephrine is an alpha-1 adrenergic receptor agonist used to treat hypotension, dilate the pupil, and induce local vasoconstriction. The action of phenylephrine, or neo-synephrine, was first described in literature in the 1930s.

Phenylephrine was granted FDA approval in 1939.

Phenylephrine is an alpha-1 adrenergic agonist that raises blood pressure, dilates the pupils, and causes local vasoconstriction. Ophthalmic formulations of phenylephrine act for 3-8 hours while intravenous solutions have an effective half life of 5 minutes and an elimination half life of 2.5 hours. Patients taking ophthalmic formulations of phenylephrine should be counselled about the risk of arrhythmia, hypertension, and rebound miosis. Patients taking an intravenous formulation should be counselled regarding the risk of bradycardia, allergic reactions, extravasation causing necrosis or tissue sloughing, and the concomitant use of oxytocic drugs.

Trade Name Tussin Cough
Generic Ambroxol + Cetirizine + Phenylephrine + Guaiphenesin / Guaifenesin
Weight 30mg,
Type Syrup, Oral Capsule, Oral Granule, Oral Liquid, Oral Tablet, Extended Release
Therapeutic Class
Manufacturer Synchem Lab
Available Country India, United States
Last Updated: September 19, 2023 at 7:00 am
Tussin Cough
Tussin Cough


  • • Acute and chronic diseases of respiratory tracts associated with viscid mucus including acute and chronic bronchitis
  • • Productive cough
  • • Inflammatory diseases of Rhinopharyngeal tract (e.g. Laryngitis, Pharyngitis, Sinusitis and Rhinitis) associated with viscid mucus
  • • Asthmatic bronchitis, Bronchial asthma with difficult departure of mucus
  • • Bronchiectasis
  • • Chronic pneumonia.

Cetirizine is used for the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, perennial allergic rhinitis, pruritus and urticaria. It is also used in allergen induced asthma.

Phenylephrine is an alpha-1 adrenergic agonist used in the management of hypotension, generally in the surgical setting associated with the use of anesthetics.

Phenylephrine injections are indicated to treat hypotension caused by shock or anesthesia, an ophthalmic formulation is indicated to dilate pupils and induce vasoconstriction, an intranasal formulation is used to treat congestion, and a topical formulation is used to treat hemorrhoids. Off-label uses include situations that require local blood flow restriction such as the treatment of priapism.

Tussin Cough is also used to associated treatment for these conditions: Airway secretion clearance therapyChronic Idiopathic Urticaria, Flu caused by Influenza, Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR), Pollen Allergy, Respiratory Allergy, Seasonal Allergic RhinitisAllergic Rhinitis (AR), Anorectal discomfort, Cold, Common Cold, Common Cold/Flu, Congestion of the Conjunctivas, Conjunctivitis allergic, Cough, Cough caused by Common Cold, Eye allergy, Eye redness, Fever, Flu caused by Influenza, Headache, Headache caused by Allergies, Headache caused by Common Cold, Headache caused by Pollen Allergy, Hemorrhoids, Hypotension, Irritative cough, Itching of the nose, Itching of the throat, Laryngotracheitis, Nasal Congestion, Nose discomfort, Ocular Inflammation, Ocular Irritation, Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia, Pollen Allergy, Respiratory tract congestion, Respiratory tract irritation, Rhinopharyngitis, Rhinorrhoea, Seasonal Allergies, Shock, Cardiogenic, Sinus Congestion, Sinus pressure, Sinusitis, Sneezing, Sore Throat, Tracheobronchitis, Upper respiratory tract hypersensitivity reaction, site unspecified, Vasomotor Rhinitis, Aching caused by Flu caused by Influenza, Bronchial congestion, Itchy throat, Minor aches and pains, Watery itchy eyes, Airway secretion clearance therapy, Antihistamine, Dilatation of the pupil, Vasoconstrictor in regional analgesia therapy

How Tussin Cough works

Ambroxol is a mucolytic agent. Excessive Nitric oxide (NO) is associated with inflammatory and some other disturbances of airways function. NO enhances the activation of soluble guanylate cyclase and cGMP accumulation. Ambroxol has been shown to inhibit the NO-dependent activation of soluble guanylate cyclase. It is also possible that the inhibition of NO-dependent activation of soluble guanylate cyclase can suppress the excessive mucus secretion, therefore it lowers the phlegm viscosity and improves the mucociliary transport of bronchial secretions.

Cetirizine, a metabolite of hydroxyzine, is an antihistamine drug. Its main effects are achieved through selective inhibition of peripheral H1 receptors. The antihistamine activity of cetirizine has been shown in a variety of animal and human models. In vivo and ex vivo animal models have shown insignificant anticholinergic and antiserotonergic effects. In clinical studies, however, dry mouth was found to be more frequent with cetirizine than with a placebo. In vitro receptor binding studies have demonstrated no detectable affinity of cetirizine for histamine receptors other than the H1 receptors. Studies with radiolabeled cetirizine administration in the rat have demonstrated insignificant penetration into the brain. Ex vivo studies in the mouse have shown that systemically administered cetirizine does not occupy cerebral H1 receptors significantly .

Phenylephrine is an alpha-1 adrenergic agonist that mediates vasoconstriction and mydriasis depending on the route and location of administration. Systemic exposure to phenylephrine also leads to agonism of alpha-1 adrenergic receptors, raising systolic and diastolic pressure as well as peripheral vascular resistance. Increased blood pressure stimulates the vagus nerve, causing reflex bradycardia.


Tussin Cough dosage

Average daily dose (preferably after meal):Pediatric Drops:

  • 0-6 months: 0.5 ml 2 times a day
  • 6-12 months: 1 ml 2 times a day
  • 1-2 years: 1.25 ml 2 times a day


  • 2-5 years: 2.5 ml (1/2 teaspoonful) 2-3 times a day
  • 5-10 years: 5 ml (1 teaspoonful) 2-3 times a day
  • 10 years and adults: 10 ml (2 teaspoonful) 3 times a day.

Sustained release capsule:

  • Adult and children over 12 years old: 1 capsule once daily

Specific application features: Ambroxol may be prescribed to patients suffering from diabetes mellitus.


  • Adults and children over 6 years: 1 tablet (10 mg) once daily or ½ tablet twice daily.
  • Children 2-6 years: ½ tablet once daily.


  • Adults and children over 6 years: 2 teaspoonful (10 mg) once daily or 1 teaspoon (5 mg) twice daily.
  • Children 2-6 years: 1 teaspoonful once daily or ½ teaspoon twice daily.

Side Effects

Gastrointestinal side-effects like epigastric pain, gastric fullness may occur occasionally. Rarely allergic responses such as eruption, urticaria or angioneurotic edema may occur.

Cetirizine dihydrochloride is well tolerated. Lower incidence of sedation, headache, dry mouth, and gastrointestinal disturbances may occur. It does not produce anticholinergic effects.


Oral LD50 (rat): 365 mg/kg; Intraperitoneal LDLO (mouse): 138 mg/kg; Oral TDLO (rat): 50 mg/kg; Oral TDLO (mouse): 0.1 mg/kg .

Carcinogenesis and mutagenesis: In a 2-year carcinogenicity study in rats, cetirizine was not shown to be carcinogenic at dietary doses up to 20 mg/kg (approximately 15 times the maximum recommended daily oral dose in adults). In a 2-year carcinogenicity study in mice, cetirizine administration lead to an incidence of benign liver tumors in males at a dietary dose of 16 mg/kg (approximately 6 times the maximum recommended daily oral dose in adults). The clinical significance of these findings during long-term use of cetirizine is unknown at this time .

Cetirizine was not mutagenic in the Ames test, and not clastogenic in the human lymphocyte assay, the mouse lymphoma assay, and in vivo micronucleus test in rats .

Impairment of fertility

In a fertility and reproduction study in mice, cetirizine did not negatively impact fertility at an oral dose of 64 mg/kg (approximately 25 times the maximum recommended daily oral dose in adults) .

Pregnancy Category B:

In mice, rats, and rabbits, cetirizine was not teratogenic at oral doses up to 96, 225, and 135 mg/kg, respectively (approximately 40, 180 and 220 times the maximum recommended daily oral dose in adults). There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Because animal studies are not always predictive of human response, cetirizine should be used in pregnancy only if clearly needed .

Use in breastfeeding/nursing

Cetirizine has been reported to be excreted in human breast milk. The use of cetirizine in nursing mothers is not recommended .

Patients experiencing and overdose may present with headache, hypertension, reflex bradycardia, tingling limbs, cardiac arrhythmias, and a feeling of fullness in the head. Overdose may be treated by supportive care and discontinuing phenylephrine, chronotropic medications, and vasodilators. Subcutaneous phentolamine may be used to treat tissue extravasation.


Ambroxol should be given cautiously to patients with gastric and duodenal ulceration or convulsive disorders. Patients with hepatic and renal insufficiency should take it with caution.

Caution should be exercised when driving a car or operating a heavy machinery. Concurrent use of cetirizine with alcohol or other CNS depressants should be avoided because additional reduction in alertness and CNS performance may occur.


Ambroxol has no interaction with cardioactive glycosides, corticosteroids, bronchodilators, diuretics and antibiotics (normally used in the treatment of bronchopulmonary affections). But Ambroxol should not be taken simultaneously with antitussives (e.g. Codeine) because mucus, which has been liquefied by Ambroxol, might not be expectorated.

No clinically significant drug interactions have been found with theophylline, azithromycin, pseudoephedrine, ketoconazole or erythromycin and with some other drugs.

Volume of Distribution

Apparent volume of distribution: 0.44 +/- 0.19 L/kg .

The volume of distribution of phenylephrine is 340L.

Elimination Route

Rapid and almost complete.

Cetirizine was rapidly absorbed with a time to maximum concentration (Tmax) of about 1 hour after oral administration of tablets or syrup formulation in adult volunteers . Bioavailability was found to be similar between the tablet and syrup dosage forms. When healthy study volunteers were given several doses of cetirizine (10 mg tablets once daily for 10 days), a mean peak plasma concentration (Cmax) of 311 ng/mL was measured .

Effect of food on absorption

Food had no effect on cetirizine exposure (AUC), however, Tmax was delayed by 1.7 hours and Cmax was decreased by 23% in the fed state .

Phenylephrine is 38% orally bioavailable. Clinically significant systemic absorption of ophthalmic formulations is possible, especially at higher strengths and when the cornea is damaged.

Half Life

7-12 hours

Plasma elimination half-life is 8.3 hours .

Intravenous phenylephrine has an effective half life of 5 minutes and an elimination half life of 2.5 hours.


Apparent total body clearance: approximately 53 mL/min .

Cetirizine is mainly eliminated by the kidneys , . Dose adjustment is required for patients with moderate to severe renal impairment and in patients on hemodialysis .

Phenylephrine has an average clearance of 2100mL/min.

Elimination Route

Mainly eliminated in the urine , .

Between 70 – 85% of an orally administered dose can be found in the urine and 10 – 13% in the feces .

86% of a dose of phenylephrine is recovered in the urine with 16% as the unmetabolized drug, 57% as the inactive meta-hydroxymendelic acid, and 8% as inactive sulfate conjugates.

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding use

Pregnancy: Teratogenic and fetal toxicity studies have shown no harmful effect of Ambroxol. However, it is advised not to use during pregnancy, especially in the 1st trimester.

Lactation: Safety during lactation has not been established.

Pregnancy category B. There are no adequate and well controlled studies in pregnant women. Cetirizine should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed. Cetirizine has been reported to be excreted in human breast milk. As large amount of drugs are excreted in human milk, use of Cetirizine in nursing mother is not recommended.


Contraindicated in known hypersensitivity to Ambroxol or Bromhexine.

Cetirizine Dihydrochloride is contraindicated in those patients with a known hypersensitivity to it or any of its ingredients or hydroxyzine.

Acute Overdose

Symptoms: Confusion, dizziness, fatigue, headache, malaise, restlessness, sedation, somnolence, diarrhoea, mydriasis, pruritus, stupor, tachycardia, tremor, and urinary retention.

Management: Symptomatic and supportive treatment. Gastric lavage may be done shortly following ingestion.

Storage Condition

Store between 20-25°C. Syrup: Store between 2-8°C.

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*** Taking medicines without doctor's advice can cause long-term problems.