Вакцина против кори живая аттенуированная

Вакцина против кори живая аттенуированная Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction and all others data.

Measles is seldom given as an individual vaccine and is often given in combination with mumps and rubella. Two types of measles vaccines are currently available.Measles mumps rubella vaccine (MMR-II); MMR vaccine is a live attenuated viral vaccine used to induce immunity against measles, mumps and rubella.

Trade Name Вакцина против кори живая аттенуированная
Generic Measles Vaccine
Therapeutic Class Vaccines, Anti-sera & Immunoglobulin
Available Country Russia
Last Updated: September 19, 2023 at 7:00 am
Вакцина против кори живая аттенуированная
Вакцина против кори живая аттенуированная


Prophylaxis (immnnisatinn) agamst measles


Вакцина против кори живая аттенуированная dosage

Adult: 0.5 ml by IM or SC injection

Child: Under 1 year, not recommended; others same as adult.

Side Effects

Fever, parotits.


Children with history of convulsions. parental history of epilepsy. Avoid administration within 3 weeks of other live vaccines or 12 weeks of transfusions or immunoglobulin injection.


Pregnancy; infection (overt or incubating), malignant disease, active tuberculosis; allergy to hens eggs; hypog-ammaglobulinaexma; treatment with corti-costeroids; cytotoxic drugs, irradiation

Innovators Monograph

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*** Taking medicines without doctor's advice can cause long-term problems.