Valacyclovir by Sanis

Valacyclovir by Sanis Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction and all others data.

Valacyclovir by Sanis for the treatment of atopic dermatitis and/or psoriasis. The active ingredient in Valacyclovir by Sanis is Riluzole, applied in a topical formulation, which is believed to correct the imbalances of the immune system that cause atopic dermatitis or psoriasis.

Valacyclovir by Sanis interferes directly with cellular processes of the immune system of the skin, thereby diminishing the inflammation that underlies the reddening and itching.

Trade Name Valacyclovir by Sanis
Generic BF-37
Groups Investigational
Therapeutic Class
Available Country Canada, United States
Last Updated: September 19, 2023 at 7:00 am
Valacyclovir by Sanis
Valacyclovir by Sanis


Investigated for use/treatment in atopic dermatitis.

How Valacyclovir by Sanis works

Valacyclovir by Sanis inhibits the proliferation of T-cells. An increased proliferation of these immune cells is believed to cause atopic dermatitis. Biofrontera assumes that Valacyclovir by Sanis interferes directly with cellular processes of the immune systems of the skin, thereby diminishing the inflammation that underlines the reddening and itching.

Innovators Monograph

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*** Taking medicines without doctor's advice can cause long-term problems.