

Chyluria is an extremely rare medical condition in which chyle, a type of lymph, is present in the urine. It is often caused by lymphatic and/or urogenital system obstruction and leakage.

Chyluria can cause a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Cloudy or milky urine
  • Chronic abdominal and/or groin discomfort
  • Frequent urination
  • Lower back pain
  • Lethargy
  • Swelling of feet and lower legs
  • Weakness

Chyluria can be diagnosed using a combination of methods. A test that looks for the presence of chyle will often be done in addition to an X-ray or ultrasound. Blood tests may also be done to look for signs of infection that may be causing the chyluria.

Treatment for chyluria typically includes antibiotics, if an infection is present, and/or surgical procedures to repair the lymphatic and/or urogenital systems. Treatments such as diuretics and dietary changes may also be used to reduce the amount of leakage to alleviate symptoms.

It is important for individuals with chyluria to speak with a healthcare provider to discuss their symptoms and determine the best course of treatment. Treatment will vary depending on the underlying cause and severity of the symptoms.