Neurocostal neuralgia

What is Neurocostal Neuralgia?

Neurocostal neuralgia (NCN) is a condition which causes pain in the chest, shoulder blade and upper back area. It is a nerve disorder which is caused by irritated or compressed spinal nerves in these regions. The pain associated with neurocostal neuralgia can be constant or intermittent and can range from mild to severe in intensity. Other symptoms of NCN can include numbness, tingling and a burning sensation in the affected area.

What Causes Neurocostal Neuralgia?

Neurocostal neuralgia is most commonly caused by an injury or abnormality which results in irritation or compression of a spinal nerve. This can be due to:

  • A herniated disc
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Spondylosis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Scoliosis
  • Injury or trauma to the spine
  • Exercising with bad posture

How is Neurocostal Neuralgia Diagnosed?

Diagnosis of NCN is typically made through a series of tests such as physical examination, X-rays, MRI or CT scans and nerve conduction tests. The tests will help the doctor to determine the exact cause of the condition and provide an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment of Neurocostal Neuralgia

The main treatment for neurocostal neuralgia is pain management. This may involve medication such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), muscle relaxants, steroids, or anticonvulsants. Physical therapy can also be used to help relax the affected muscles and to reduce pain. In some cases, where there is a nerve abnormality causing NCN, surgery may be recommended.

Prevention of Neurocostal Neuralgia

The best way to prevent neurocostal neuralgia is to maintain good posture and take regular breaks if you are performing activities which involve repetitive movements or long periods of standing or sitting. Maintaining strength and flexibility in the back and abdominal muscles can also help prevent NCN, as these muscles are important for keeping the spine stable.