Pain caused by Fracture Bone

Pain Caused by Fracture Bones

When bones in the body break or fracture, it can cause severe pain and other symptoms. Fractured bones often cannot bear any weight and may disrupt normal body functions or movement. Emergency medical treatment is always recommended for any kind of fracture regardless of size or severity.

The pain caused by fractures vary depending on the bone broken and the type of fracture. A person may feel a dull ache, sharp stabbing pain, or a combination of both. Pain may be localized to the injury site or radiate to other areas of the body.

Pain can indicate that the fracture has not fully healed or that the person’s body is trying to compensate for the added stress of a broken bone. Pain may also be caused by swelling, inflammation, limping, or muscle spasms.

Symptoms Associated with Fractures

  • Tenderness around the fractured area
  • Redness around the injured area
  • Swelling around the fracture
  • Visible deformity of the injured area
  • Inability to move the injured limb
  • Inability to bear weight on the injured limb
  • Numbness
  • Uncontrollable shaking or trembling of the injured area
  • Bruising