Partial Seizures With Secondary Generalization

Partial Seizures With Secondary Generalization

Partial seizures with secondary generalization are a type of seizure that starts as a partial seizure and then changes into a seizure that causes impairment of consciousness or a seizure that causes milder impairment of consciousness and spreads to other areas of the brain. The seizure may then result in brief confusion or loss of consciousness. A partial seizure occurs when an electrical disturbance takes place in just a small part of the brain and only involves a few of the normal functions of the brain. It is possible for a partial seizure to spread, or "generalize", to affect both sides of the brain and cause a seizure in which consciousness is lost and sometimes other symptoms. When this happens, it is called a "secondary generalization".

Secondary generalization seizures generally last less than one minute and there may be a period of confusion afterwards. Symptoms that can occur during a secondary generalization seizure can include:

  • Staring
  • Uncontrollable rhythmic movements of the arms, legs, and/or face (e.g. twitching)
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Confusion
  • Uncontrolled urination or defecation
  • Biting of the tongue

The cause of partial seizures with secondary generalization in adults and children is not always known. In some cases, the cause may be related to an underlying medical condition such as epilepsy, brain tumor, stroke, or head injury. Medication can be used to manage seizures and reduce their frequency. In some cases, corrective surgery may be a treatment option.

It is important to note that all seizures should be reported to your doctor for proper evaluation and treatment. If a seizure is suspected, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible to diagnose the type of seizure and determine an appropriate treatment plan.