Purulent Wounds

Purulent Wounds: What You Need To Know

Purulent wounds are infected wounds that appear to contain pus. They are characterized by redness, swelling, warmth, and pain around the area of the wound. They are typically caused by bacteria that enter the wound through the skin or other body surfaces. Treatment is usually done through antibiotics, drainage, and wound care.

It is important to identify and treat purulent wounds in a timely fashion. If left untreated, purulent wounds can lead to a more serious infection such as sepsis or necrotizing fasciitis. Proper wound care is essential to treat and prevent these complications.

Signs And Symptoms Of Purulent Wounds

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Warmth around the wound
  • Pain around the wound area
  • Exudate (pus) in the wound
  • Foul odor

Risk Factors

The most common cause of purulent wounds is bacteria that gain entry through breaks in the skin or other perforated body surfaces. People with skin diseases such as eczema or psoriasis, as well as those with diabetes or a compromised immune system, are particularly at risk for purulent wounds.

Treatment Of Purulent Wounds

Treatment for purulent wounds typically involves a combination of antibiotics, drainage, and wound care. Depending on the severity of the infection, your doctor may also recommend additional wound treatments such as cryotherapy, debridement, or hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Antibiotics can be taken orally or applied topically to help clear the infection. Localised wound drainage can also help to reduce swelling and pressure, and promote healing. Wound care is important to ensure the wound heals properly and to reduce further complications. This includes regularly cleaning and dressing the wound, avoiding trauma to the area, and keeping it clean and covered with a sterile dressing.


Purulent wounds are dangerous and it is important to recognise and seek treatment for them quickly. With proper treatment, you can minimise the risk of infection and ensure a smooth healing process.