Radiolucent Cholesterol gallstones

What Are Radiolucent Cholesterol Gallstones?

Radiolucent cholesterol gallstones are small, solid deposits of cholesterol, bile, and calcium that can form in the gallbladder. The term “radiolucent” refers to the fact that these gallstones cannot be seen on X-rays or other imaging tests.

These gallstones are believed to arise when there is an imbalance in the bile components of the gallbladder. Bile includes cholesterol, bile salts, and other substances, and an imbalance of these components can lead to the formation of small, solid cholesterol stones.

Signs and Symptoms of Radiolucent Cholesterol Gallstones

Most people with radiolucent cholesterol gallstones do not experience any symptoms. However, when symptoms do occur, they may include:

  • Pain in the right upper abdomen
  • Dull or sharp pain in the right upper shoulder
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever

Diagnosis and Treatment of Radiolucent Cholesterol Gallstones

If your doctor suspects that you may have radiolucent cholesterol gallstones, he or she may order a number of tests to confirm the diagnosis. These may include an abdominal ultrasound, a CT scan, an MRI, and/or an endoscopic ultrasound.

Treatment for these gallstones typically involves surgically removing the gallbladder (cholecystectomy). In some cases, however, nonsurgical treatment options (such as medications and lifestyle changes) may be recommended.