Tinea Pedis caused by Epidermophyton floccosumin

Tinea Pedis Caused by Epidermophyton Floccosum

Tinea pedis, commonly referred to as athlete’s foot, is an infection of the skin on the feet caused by a fungus from the Epidermophyton floccosum species. This type of fungus thrives in moist environments and feeds on the keratin of the outer layer of the skin. Symptoms of infection can include red and itchy skin between the toes, burning sensations, and flaky, dry skin.

Epidermophyton floccosum is one of the most common fungi identified in causing tinea pedis. It is usually spread through person-to-person contact or contact with contaminated items such as bathing surfaces and shared towels. It thrives in moist and warm conditions so it is more likely to develop between toes, in footwear, and in locker rooms.


Preventing tinea pedis caused by Epidermophyton floccosum requires simple steps such as:

  • Wearing clean, dry socks daily, and changing them frequently during strenuous activities
  • Wearing appropriate, well-ventilated shoes to keep the feet dry
  • Avoiding the use of shared towels, and drying your feet thoroughly after showering or bathing
  • Going barefoot only in areas known to be free of fungus
  • Keeping rooms and surfaces clean, especially bathroom and shower area.

Treatment and Follow-Up

Treatment of tinea pedis involves the use of antifungal medications such as creams, lotions, and oral antifungal medications. The medications work to disrupt the speed and growth of the fungal cells, helping to eliminate the infection. It is very important to follow the recommended duration of use, as directed by your doctor, to ensure that all of the fungal cells have been destroyed.

After treatment, good foot hygiene should still be practiced to reduce the risk of the infection returning or spreading to other parts of the body. Footwear should be dry and well-ventilated, and surfaces should be kept clean.