Aluminum zirconium trichlorohydrex gly

Aluminum zirconium trichlorohydrex gly Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction and all others data.

Aluminum zirconium trichlorohydrex gly is a common active ingredient in deodorant and antiperspirant products for the over-the-counter use. It is consisted of a mixture of monomeric and polymeric Zr4+ and Al3+ complexes with hydroxide, chloride and glycine. The compound forms a colloidal plug in sweat pores, preventing sweat from leaving the body.

Trade Name Aluminum zirconium trichlorohydrex gly
Generic Aluminum zirconium trichlorohydrex gly
Aluminum zirconium trichlorohydrex gly Other Names Aluminum zirconium trichlorohydrex gly
Groups Approved, Experimental
Therapeutic Class
Available Country
Last Updated: September 19, 2023 at 7:00 am
Aluminum zirconium trichlorohydrex gly
Aluminum zirconium trichlorohydrex gly

Innovators Monograph

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*** Taking medicines without doctor's advice can cause long-term problems.