
Ensulizole Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction and all others data.

Ensulizole, also known as 2-phenylbenzimidazole-5-sulfonic acid, is a water-soluble sunscreen agent that absorbs strongly at UV-B wavelengths. It is commonly found in cosmetic products and sunscreen formulas in combination with other UV filter compounds due to its minimal protection against UV-A wavelengths. Due to its water solubility, ensulizole is commonly used in products formulated to feel light and less oily . It was demonstrated by studies that ensulizole treatment provided protection against cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and photosensitized the formation of oxidized guanine bases after UV-A or UV-B exposure . According to the FDA, the maximal approved concentration of ensulizole is 148 mM although concentrations ranging between 74 and 148mM can be found in commercial sunscreen products .

Ensulizole is a selective UV-B filter with little activity against UV-A wavelengths. In vitro, ensulizole oxidizes guanine bases upon photoexcitation by UV-B and may cause photodamage on DNA, proteins and lipids in the cellular context .

Trade Name Ensulizole
Generic Ensulizole
Ensulizole Other Names Ensulizole, phenylbenzimidazole sulfonic acid
Formula C13H10N2O3S
Weight Average: 274.29
Monoisotopic: 274.041213364
Groups Approved
Therapeutic Class
Available Country
Last Updated: September 19, 2023 at 7:00 am


Ensulizole is an ingredient used in sunscreens to absorb UVB radiation.

Indicated to be used as an UV-B-absorbing molecule in sunscreen formulations.

How Ensulizole works

Ensulizole strongly absorbs UV-B wavelengths. It offers protection against UV-B-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers . Based on the findings in vitro and in cellulo, ensulizole induces damage on the DNA, causes DNA strand breaks and photosensitizes the formation of oxidized guanines via type I and II photosensitization mechanisms following UV-A or UV-B irradiation . Ensulizole is capable of generating reactive oxygen species, including singlet oxygen upon photoexcitation .


Dermal LD50 in rat is > 3000 mg/kg and oral LD50 in rat is > 16000 mg/kg .

Food Interaction

No interactions found.

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