
Xantinol Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction and all others data.

Xantinol is a very potent water-soluble derivative of niacin that can be found in diet supplements. It is also known as xanthinol nicotinate. Xaninthol is known to be a potent vasodilator that can easily pass through the cell membrane and once inside the cell it causes an increase in glucose metabolism resulting in an increased energy. It was approved as a drug in 1998 in Canada and nowadays its status is cancelled post marketing.

Reports indicate that xanthinol increases blood flow in the vascular beds. The use of xanthinol in clinical trials have reported improvements in the performance of healthy elderly individuals in short- and long-term memory tests. The later effect is explained by the enhancing on the cell metabolism and oxygen supply in the brain by the rise of ATP in erythrocytes which allows penetration into capillaries easier and a higher oxygen pressure in the capillary blood which improves oxygenation of surrounding tissue.

Trade Name Xantinol
Generic Xanthinol
Xanthinol Other Names Xantinol
Formula C13H21N5O4
Weight Average: 311.342
Monoisotopic: 311.159354176
Protein binding

From the administered dose of xanthinol between 90.9 and 100% can be retreived in the plasma.

Groups Approved, Withdrawn
Therapeutic Class
Available Country
Last Updated: September 19, 2023 at 7:00 am


Xantinol is a vasodilatory niacin found in diet supplements.

Xantinol is primarily used in diet supplements to increase the brain metabolism of glucose and obtain ATP. Xantinol is also used as an agent to reduced cholesterol as it is a vasodilator. Its action allows having an elevated rate of blood flow in the brain which helps improve memory function, concentration and awareness. Thus, due to his actions, xanthinol is indicated to improve cerebrovascular and peripheral vascular disorders as well as hyperlipidaemias.

How Xantinol works

The positively charged xanthinol ion is thought to help the transportation of the nicotinic acid into the cell since the later cannot freely diffuse through the cell membrane. The mechanism of action is thought to be related to present influence in the cell metabolism through the nucleotides NAD and NADP. Also, the nicotinic acid is a coenzyme for a lot of proteins involved in tissue respiration (Embden-Meyerhof and citrate cycle). The effect of xanthinol nicotinate causes an increase in glucose metabolism and energy gain.


It is thought to cause flushing, hypotension and abdominal pain.

Volume of Distribution

The volume of distribution of xanthinol is 0.93 L/kg.

Elimination Route

Xantinol is readily absorbed in the body with an absorption half life of 0.4 h. After absorption, xanthinol nicotinate rapidly degardes into the negatively charged nicotinic acid and the positively charged xanthinol ion.

Half Life

The reported elimination half-life of xanthinol is 1.67h.


The total body clearance rate for xanthinol is 0.63 L h/kg.

Elimination Route

In urine, the two stereoisomeric forms of the xanthinol metabolites represents about 7-8% of the eliminated xanthinol.

Innovators Monograph

You find simplified version here Xantinol

*** Taking medicines without doctor's advice can cause long-term problems.