Greek Pitch

Greek Pitch Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction and all others data.

Greek Pitch is a solid form of resin obtained from pines and other plants, mostly conifers. It is prepared from heating fresh liquid resin to vaporize the volatile liquid terpene components. Greek Pitch is used in various commercial and industrial applications, including printing, lead-tin industry, and food production. In the pharmaceuticals, rosin is used in film forming and coating tablets and enterically administered agents, as well as forming microcapsules and nanoparticles. Greek Pitch has shown to mediate antibacterial actions on Gram-positive bacterial species .

Trade Name Greek Pitch
Generic Rosin
Rosin Other Names Colophonia resina, Colophonium, Colophony, Greek pitch, Gum rosin, Rosin, Rosin gum, Tall oil pitch, Wood rosin
Groups Approved
Therapeutic Class
Available Country
Last Updated: September 19, 2023 at 7:00 am
Greek Pitch
Greek Pitch


Greek Pitch is an extract from Greek Pitch used in allergy testing.

Food Interaction

No interactions found.

Innovators Monograph

You find simplified version here Greek Pitch

*** Taking medicines without doctor's advice can cause long-term problems.